Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 816 - Support
Section 46b-220. - Suspension of license of delinquent child support obligor. Conditions. Reinstatement.

(a) For the purposes of this section:

(1) “Delinquent child support obligor” means an obligor who (A) owes overdue support, accruing after the entry of a court order, in an amount which exceeds ninety days of periodic payments on a current support or arrearage payment order, (B) has failed to make court ordered medical or dental insurance coverage available within ninety days of the issuance of a court order or fails to maintain such coverage pursuant to court order for a period of ninety days, or (C) has failed, after receiving appropriate notice, to comply with subpoenas or warrants relating to paternity or child support proceedings;
(2) “License” means each license, certification or permit to engage in a profession or occupation regulated pursuant to the provisions of title 19a, 20 or 21, a motor vehicle operator's license or a commercial driver's license issued by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles in accordance with chapter 246, and licenses and permits issued by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection pursuant to part III of chapter 490;
(3) “Licensing authority” means any board, commission, department or official with authority to issue a license;
(4) “Obligor” means any person owing a duty of child support;
(5) “Obligee” means the person or entity to whom child support payments are owed;
(6) “Past-due support” has the same meaning as provided in section 52-362j; and
(7) “Overdue support” has the same meaning as provided in section 52-362j.
(b) The Superior Court and any family support magistrate may issue a suspension order, which suspends the license of a delinquent child support obligor, to enforce a child support order. Such suspension order shall specify the conditions which must be met to avoid license suspension and shall be effective only on the filing of an affidavit, sufficient under subsection (c) of this section, as to the obligor's delinquency. Such order shall also specify the conditions of reinstatement of any such suspended license in the event of suspension by the court or family support magistrate. In IV-D cases, the order shall specify that the Department of Social Services shall notify the licensing authority of the suspension order and of compliance with or rescission of such order. In non-IV-D cases, the order shall specify the procedure for notification of the licensing authority of the suspension order and of compliance with or rescission of such order and the person required to provide such notification. No judge or family support magistrate may issue a suspension order unless he finds (1) the obligor has received actual notice of the proceeding and that a motor vehicle operator's license or professional, occupational or recreational license which he holds may be suspended, (2) the noncompliance with his child support obligations was wilful and without good cause, (3) the suspension order is fair and equitable, (4) the obligor has sufficient financial resources to comply with the conditions specified in the suspension order. A copy of any suspension order issued against a nonappearing obligor shall be sent to the obligor by first class mail, postage prepaid by the Department of Social Services, or, in any non-IV-D case, any person specified in the suspension order.
(c) If the obligor fails to comply with the conditions of a suspension order within thirty days of the issuance of such order, the Department of Social Services, a support enforcement officer, the attorney for the obligee or the obligee, as provided in the suspension order, shall file with the court or assistant clerk of the Family Support Magistrate Division, an affidavit stating that the conditions of the suspension order have not been met, and provide the obligor with a copy of such affidavit. Such affidavit shall be filed within forty-five days of the expiration of such thirty-day period. Such suspension order shall be effective upon the filing of such affidavit.
(d) If (1) the obligor satisfies the conditions of the suspension order within thirty days of the issuance of such suspension order, or (2) the affidavit is not filed within forty-five days of the expiration of such thirty-day period, such order shall be null and void and shall have no further effect.
(e) Upon receipt of an effective court order directing suspension of a license, the Department of Social Services or, in any non-IV-D case, any person specified in such order shall provide the licensing authority with a copy of the suspension order and affidavit. The licensing authority shall, upon receipt of such order and affidavit, suspend such license. Upon the obligor's compliance with the conditions of the license suspension order concerning reinstatement, or upon any subsequent order of the court or family support magistrate to rescind such license suspension, the licensing authority shall immediately reinstate such license. No licensing authority may charge a fee for the reinstatement of any such license which exceeds the actual administrative cost of such reinstatement.
(P.A. 95-310, S. 4, 9; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-7, S. 32, 38; P.A. 04-100, S. 5; 04-257, S. 74; P.A. 11-80, S. 1; P.A. 14-122, S. 185.)
History: P.A. 95-310 effective January 1, 1996; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-7 amended Subsec. (a) by redefining “delinquent child support obligor” and “license”, and by defining “past-due support” and “overdue support” and added provision re recreational license in Subsec. (b), effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 04-100 amended Subsec. (a) by making technical changes in Subdivs. (1) and (2) and redefining “past-due support” in Subdiv. (6) and “overdue support” in Subdiv. (7) to have the same meanings as provided in Sec. 52-362j; P.A. 04-257 made technical changes in Subsec. (a)(2), effective June 14, 2004; pursuant to P.A. 11-80, “Department of Environmental Protection” was changed editorially by the Revisors to “Department of Energy and Environmental Protection” in Subsec. (a)(2), effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 14-122 made technical changes in Subsec. (a)(6) and (7).
Cited. 234 C. 194.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 46b - Family Law

Chapter 816 - Support

Section 46b-180 to 46b-186. (Formerly Secs. 17-327 to 17-333). - Definitions. Remedies additional to existing remedies. Extent of duties of support. Remedies of a state or political subdivision thereof furnishing support. Choice of law. How duties of...

Section 46b-187. (Formerly Sec. 17-334). - Payment of petitioner's representatives.

Section 46b-188 to 46b-206. (Formerly Secs. 17-335 to 17-353 et al). - Contents of petition for support. Petition for a minor. Duty of Family Support Magistrate Division acting for state as initiating state. Costs and fees. Jurisdiction by arrest. St...

Section 46b-207. (Formerly Sec. 17-354). - Support services.

Section 46b-208. (Formerly Sec. 17-354a). - Powers of support service investigators.

Section 46b-209 and 46b-210. (Formerly Secs. 17-355 and 17-355a). - Uniformity of interpretation. Proceedings not stayed by other pending actions.

Section 46b-211. (Formerly Sec. 17-355b). - Participation in proceedings not to confer jurisdiction for other proceedings.

Section 46b-212 to 46b-213w. - Short title: Uniform Interstate Family Support Act. Definitions. Tribunals of state. Remedies cumulative. Jurisdiction over nonresident. Procedure when exercising jurisdiction over nonresident. Family Support Magistrate...

Section 46b-215. (Formerly Sec. 17-320). - Relatives obliged to furnish support. Attorney General and attorney for town as parties. Orders.

Section 46b-215a. - Commission for Child Support Guidelines. Duties. Members. Validity of actions taken during vacancy.

Section 46b-215b. - Guidelines to be used in determination of amount of support and payment on arrearages and past-due support.

Section 46b-215c. - Guidelines to be approved by legislative regulation review committee.

Section 46b-215d. - Certain earnings not considered income for purposes of guidelines.

Section 46b-215e. - Initial or modified support order when child support obligor is institutionalized or incarcerated. Procedure in IV-D support cases when child support obligor is incarcerated for more than ninety days.

Section 46b-216. (Formerly Sec. 17-321). - Support of surviving husband or wife by heirs.

Section 46b-217. (Formerly Sec. 17-322). - Relief from support.

Section 46b-218. (Formerly Sec. 17-324a). - Filing of identification and location information with the state case registry.

Section 46b-219. (Formerly Sec. 17-326). - No liability for support of deserting parent.

Section 46b-220. - Suspension of license of delinquent child support obligor. Conditions. Reinstatement.

Section 46b-221. - Notice to delinquent child support obligors by Commissioner of Social Services re availability of remedy of license suspension.

Section 46b-222. - Regulations.

Section 46b-223. - Rules of court.

Section 46b-224. - Effect of court order changing or transferring guardianship or custody of child on preexisting support order.

Section 46b-225. - Judicial marshal authorized to serve capias mittimus or copy thereof issued in child support matter.

Section 46b-231. - Definitions. Family Support Magistrate Division. Family support magistrates; appointment, salaries, powers and duties. Orders. Appeal. Attorney General; duties re actions for support. Department of Social Services; powers.

Section 46b-232. - Alteration or setting aside of support order by family support magistrate, when.

Section 46b-232a. - Authority of family support magistrates re order for obligor's participation in program and suspension of or election not to impose support order. Reports.

Section 46b-233. - Longevity payments.

Section 46b-233a. - Retirement of family support magistrates. Credit for prior service. Amounts used in determining salary. Limitation on retirement salary.

Section 46b-234. - Report by the Attorney General to IV-D agency re performance standards.

Section 46b-235. - Applicability of sections in relation to any bargaining unit designation, award, settlement, benefit, existing employment practice or classification of any employee.

Section 46b-236. - Family support referees.