Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 624 - Connecticut Antitrust Act
Section 35-38. - Civil penalties for violations.

In any action instituted by the Attorney General, any individual who has been held to have violated this chapter shall forfeit and pay to the state a civil penalty of not more than one hundred thousand dollars. Any other person who has been held to have violated any of the provisions of this chapter shall forfeit and pay to the state a civil penalty of not more than one million dollars.

(1971, P.A. 608, S. 15; P.A. 73-668, S. 2; P.A. 75-567, S. 10, 80; P.A. 09-68, S. 2.)
History: P.A. 73-668 raised civil penalties from $5,000 to $25,000 and from $25,000 to $250,000, respectively; P.A. 75-567 substituted “chapter” for “part”; P.A. 09-68 increased maximum civil penalty from $25,000 to $100,000 for an individual and from $250,000 to $1,000,000 for any other person.
Cited. 169 C. 344.
When severability doctrine applied. 30 CS 87.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 35 - Trade Regulations, Trademarks and Collective and Certification Marks

Chapter 624 - Connecticut Antitrust Act

Section 35-24. - Short title: Connecticut Antitrust Act.

Section 35-25. - Definitions.

Section 35-26. - Restraint of trade or commerce unlawful.

Section 35-27. - Monopolization or attempt to monopolize unlawful.

Section 35-28. - Acts unlawful when purpose or effect is restraint of trade or commerce.

Section 35-29. - Acts unlawful where effect is substantial lessening of competition or creation of monopoly.

Section 35-30. - Application of chapter.

Section 35-31. - Exceptions.

Section 35-32. - Attorney General to bring actions in the name of state or as parens patriae.

Section 35-32a. - Funds received by state re antitrust actions deposited in General Fund.

Section 35-33. - Superior Court jurisdiction.

Section 35-34. - Injunctive relief.

Section 35-35. - Treble damages for injury to business or property.

Section 35-36. - Final judgment in action brought by Attorney General as prima facie evidence.

Section 35-36a. - Proceedings for forfeiture of franchise.

Section 35-37. - Copies of complaints to Attorney General.

Section 35-38. - Civil penalties for violations.

Section 35-39. - Liability of legal or commercial entity for acts of agents.

Section 35-40. - Limitation of actions. Accrual of cause of action for continuing violation.

Section 35-41. - Suspension of statute of limitations.

Section 35-42. - Investigation of alleged violation. Issuance of subpoenas and written interrogatories. Enforcement of compliance. Cooperation. Service. Confidential material.

Section 35-43. - Attachment.

Section 35-44. - Actions and proceedings to be in accordance with civil actions statutes.

Section 35-44a. - Attorney General to bring actions in federal court on behalf of state government, local government, and other political subdivisions.

Section 35-44b. - Judicial construction of Connecticut Antitrust Act.

Section 35-45. - Price discrimination prohibited in commercial transactions. Rebuttal of prima-facie case.

Section 35-46. - Joint research and development ventures.

Section 35-46a. - Assertion and proof of certain defenses.