Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 243 - Infrastructure Program
Section 13b-75. - Definitions.

As used in sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning or intent:

(1) “Bond” or “bonds” means one or more special tax obligation bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, and, unless otherwise indicated, any bonds issued to refund such bonds pursuant to section 13b-76.
(2) “Bond anticipation note” or “bond anticipation notes” means one or more special tax obligation bond anticipation notes authorized to be issued pursuant to subsection (m) of section 13b-76 in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of special tax obligation bonds.
(3) “Debt service requirements” means, for any period, the sum of (A) the principal and interest accruing during such period with respect to bonds, the interest accruing during such period with respect to bond anticipation notes and, subject to the provisions of subsection (d) of section 13b-76 and the proceedings authorizing the issuance of bonds or bond anticipation notes, the unrefunded principal accruing during such period with respect to bond anticipation notes, (B) the purchase price of bonds and bond anticipation notes which are subject to purchase or redemption at the option of the bondowner or noteowner, (C) the amounts, if any, required during such period to establish or maintain reserves, sinking funds or other funds or accounts at the respective levels required to be established or maintained therein in accordance with the proceedings authorizing the issuance of bonds, (D) expenses of issuance and administration with respect to bonds and bond anticipation notes, as determined by the Treasurer, (E) the amounts, if any, becoming due and payable under a reimbursement agreement or similar agreement entered into pursuant to authority granted under the proceedings authorizing the issuance of bonds and bond anticipation notes and (F) any other costs or expenses deemed by the Treasurer to be necessary or proper to be paid in connection with the bonds and bond anticipation notes, including, without limitation, the cost of any credit facility, including but not limited to a letter of credit or policy of bond insurance, issued by a financial institution pursuant to an agreement approved by the proceedings authorizing the issuance of bonds and bond anticipation notes.
(4) “Pledged revenues” means, for any year, taxes, fees, charges and other receipts of the state credited to the Special Transportation Fund during such year pursuant to the provisions of subsection (b) of section 13b-61, as amended from time to time.
(5) “Proceedings” means the proceedings of the State Bond Commission authorizing the issuance of bonds pursuant to subsection (e) of section 13b-76, the provisions of any indenture of trust securing bonds or bond anticipation notes, which provisions are incorporated into such proceedings, the provisions of any other documents or agreements which are incorporated into such proceedings and, to the extent applicable, a certificate of determination filed by the Treasurer in accordance with subsection (c) or (m) of section 13b-76.
(6) “Transportation costs” means (A) any and all capital costs incurred in furtherance of the purposes set forth in subsection (b) of section 13b-74, (B) payment of principal of and interest on bond anticipation notes, (C) creation and maintenance of reserves for the payment of the principal of and interest on any such bonds and bond anticipation notes, (D) payment of expenses of administration properly chargeable to the construction or acquisition of programs or projects included in subparagraph (A), including, without limitation, legal, architectural and engineering expenses and fees, and costs of audits, (E) payment of costs, fees and expenses which the Treasurer may deem necessary or advantageous in connection with the authorization, sale and issuance of bonds or bond anticipation notes, including but not limited to, underwriters' discount, and (F) payment of all other items of expense not elsewhere specified or incurred in connection with a project or program included in subparagraph (A).
(P.A. 84-254, S. 5, 62.)

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 13b - Transportation

Chapter 243 - Infrastructure Program

Section 13b-58. - State Transportation Fund established.

Section 13b-59. - Definitions.

Section 13b-60. - Moneys in Transportation Fund to be paid into General Fund.

Section 13b-61. - Revenues credited to General Fund. Revenues credited to Special Transportation Fund.

Section 13b-61a. - Deposit of revenues from gross earnings from sales of petroleum products attributable to sales of motor vehicle fuel, and from sales of petroleum products generally, into Special Transportation Fund.

Section 13b-61b. - Deposits of revenues from sales of motor vehicles taxable under section 12-431.

Section 13b-61c. - Transfers from the General Fund to the Special Transportation Fund.

Section 13b-62 to 13b-67. - Moneys in Transportation Fund from state securities or federal grants to be paid into General Fund. Fund only for transportation purposes; appropriations for mass transportation controlled. Percentage of appropriations req...

Section 13b-68. - Special Transportation Fund. Use of fund. Transportation Grants and Restricted Accounts Fund.

Section 13b-69. - Expenditure of resources of Special Transportation Fund.

Section 13b-70. - Surcharges on motor vehicle related fines, penalties and other charges.

Section 13b-74. - Special tax obligation bonds for transportation projects. Purposes.

Section 13b-75. - Definitions.

Section 13b-76. - Bond procedures and provisions.

Section 13b-77. - Covenants.

Section 13b-77a. - Annual report re certain special tax obligation bonds.

Section 13b-78. - Loan or other credit agreements with the U.S. Department of Transportation. Special tax obligation bonds. Federal transportation bonds.

Section 13b-78k. - New Haven Line revitalization program: Definitions.

Section 13b-78l. - New Haven Line revitalization program: Duties of Commissioner of Transportation.

Section 13b-78m. - New Haven Line rail fare increases. Regulations.

Section 13b-78n. - Solicitation of bids.

Section 13b-78o. - Annual report.

Section 13b-78p. - Bond issue for rail cars, maintenance facility and related projects.

Section 13b-78q. - Bond issue for improvements to Interstate 95, transportation system improvements and bus rolling stock.

Section 13b-78r. - Bond issue for Fix-it-First program to repair state roads. Report.

Section 13b-78s. - Bond issue for Fix-it-First program to repair state bridges. Report.

Section 13b-78t. - Bond issue for Fix-it-First program for railroad crossings at grade.

Section 13b-78u. - Bond issue for environmental clean-up of highway service plazas.

Section 13b-79 to 13b-79b. - Updating of ten-year plan for bridge repair and road resurfacing; annual report to General Assembly. Reports concerning the transportation program authorized pursuant to special act 84-52 and public act 84-254. Reports co...

Section 13b-79c. - Funding level of mass transit projects financed through special transportation bonds.

Section 13b-79d. - Notification plan re significant highway or railway incidents. Permanent retention of personal information. Prohibition.

Section 13b-79m and 13b-79n. - Transportation Accountability Board established; duties. Reports of board.

Section 13b-79o. - Definitions.

Section 13b-79p. - Duties of Commissioner of Transportation re strategic transportation projects and initiatives, transportation improvement projects and state transportation plans.

Section 13b-79q. - Special tax obligation bonds.

Section 13b-79r. - Grant anticipation revenue vehicle bonds. Grant Anticipation Transportation Fund.

Section 13b-79s. - Duties of Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management re transportation projects and initiatives.

Section 13b-79t. - Solicitation of bids or qualifications.

Section 13b-79u. - Operation of New Haven-Hartford-Springfield rail line.

Section 13b-79v. - Funds available through Commissioner of Economic and Community Development and Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management.

Section 13b-79w. - Loans from Connecticut Innovations, Incorporated.

Section 13b-79x. - Governor's recommendations re transportation projects.

Section 13b-79y. - Discussions with Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island re commuter and freight mobility in region.

Section 13b-79z. - Annual report re implementation status of transportation projects and initiatives.

Section 13b-79kk. - Transit-oriented development projects.

Section 13b-79ll. - Bond issue for transit-oriented development pilot program. Projects. Grants.