Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 245a - Railroad Construction and Location
Section 13b-264. (Formerly Sec. 16-94). - Branch lines.

Any company may build branches from its main line or from any of its leased lines, provided the construction of such branches is found by the Commissioner of Transportation, upon application, after such reasonable public notice as such commissioner may order, to be of public necessity and convenience. For the purpose of paying the cost of building any such branch, any railroad company may issue bonds secured by mortgage to the amount of one-half of such cost, to be verified in the manner provided in section 16-216 for verifying the cost of a railroad for the purpose of issuing bonds. This section shall be deemed to be an addition to, and amendment of, all charters of railroad companies, and shall repeal all limitations in any such charters as to the length of branches which such companies may build.

(1949 Rev., S. 5483; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 216.)
History: 1969 act substituted “the commissioner of transportation” for “a judge of a superior court” and “commissioner” for “judge”; in 1981 Sec. 16-94 transferred to Sec. 13b-264.
Annotations to former section 16-94:
Held not to abridge special franchise of prior date. 73 C. 506. Purpose of section. 74 C. 662.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 13b - Transportation

Chapter 245a - Railroad Construction and Location

Section 13b-244. (Formerly Sec. 16-76). - Powers.

Section 13b-245. (Formerly Sec. 16-77). - Right to take land limited; land of infants and others.

Section 13b-246. (Formerly Sec. 16-78). - Notice concerning layout and real estate.

Section 13b-247. (Formerly Sec. 16-79). - Approval for taking of land.

Section 13b-248. (Formerly Sec. 16-80). - Alteration of location.

Section 13b-249. (Formerly Sec. 16-81). - Alteration of grades.

Section 13b-250. (Formerly Sec. 16-82). - Land for additional tracks.

Section 13b-251. (Formerly Sec. 16-82a). - Overhead clearances for railroad tracks. Approval by legislature.

Section 13b-252. (Formerly Sec. 16-82b). - Structures exempted from overhead clearance requirement.

Section 13b-253. (Formerly Sec. 16-83). - Land cut off from access to highway.

Section 13b-254. (Formerly Sec. 16-84). - Layout through cemetery.

Section 13b-255 to 13b-259. (Formerly Secs. 16-85 to 16-89). - Land for electrification of railroad. Procedure for appraisal of land taken. Land in highway or private way. Abandonment of road; damages. Owner may require description of land.

Section 13b-260. (Formerly Sec. 16-90). - Plan of road to be deposited with town clerk.

Section 13b-261. (Formerly Sec. 16-91). - Statement of location filed with secretary.

Section 13b-262. (Formerly Sec. 16-92). - Security from contractors for labor; liability of company.

Section 13b-263. (Formerly Sec. 16-93). - Crossing of one railroad by another.

Section 13b-264. (Formerly Sec. 16-94). - Branch lines.

Section 13b-265. (Formerly Sec. 16-95). - Crossing highway or watercourse.

Section 13b-266. (Formerly Sec. 16-96). - Land for change of highway.

Section 13b-267. (Formerly Sec. 16-97). - Construction over highway at grade restricted.

Section 13b-268. (Formerly Sec. 16-98). - Construction of new highway across railroad. Construction of railroad crossing at grade.

Section 13b-269. (Formerly Sec. 16-99). - Bridge over railroad.

Section 13b-270. (Formerly Sec. 16-100). - Removal of grade crossings.

Section 13b-271. (Formerly Sec. 16-100a). - Temporary grade crossings.

Section 13b-272. (Formerly Sec. 16-100b). - Relocation of grade crossing.

Section 13b-273. (Formerly Sec. 16-101). - Elimination of grade crossings by removing railroad.

Section 13b-274. (Formerly Sec. 16-102). - Commissioner of Transportation may order removal of crossings. Land to be taken limited.

Section 13b-275. (Formerly Sec. 16-103). - Petition for elimination of dangerous condition at crossings. Hearing.

Section 13b-276. (Formerly Sec. 16-104). - Elimination of dangerous condition.

Section 13b-277. (Formerly Sec. 16-105). - Appeal.

Section 13b-278. (Formerly Sec. 16-106). - Not to affect other provisions concerning removal of grade crossings.

Section 13b-279. (Formerly Sec. 16-107). - Highway crossed by more than one railroad.

Section 13b-280. (Formerly Sec. 16-108). - Assessment of damages.

Section 13b-281. (Formerly Sec. 16-109). - Obstruction of view adjoining grade crossing.

Section 13b-282. (Formerly Sec. 16-110). - Change in location of highways crossed by a railroad.

Section 13b-283. (Formerly Sec. 16-111). - Repair of structures over or under railroad tracks. Apportionment of costs of repair or replacement. Elimination of highway-railroad grade crossings. Acquisition of land or rights to land. Order to utility r...

Section 13b-284. (Formerly Sec. 16-112). - Reimbursement of towns and cities.

Section 13b-285. (Formerly Sec. 16-113). - Change of highway near railroad; petitions by municipality.

Section 13b-286. (Formerly Sec. 16-114). - Change of highway; petition by railroad.

Section 13b-287. (Formerly Sec. 16-115). - Land may be taken for changed location of highway.

Section 13b-288. (Formerly Sec. 16-116). - Statutes made part of charters.

Section 13b-289. (Formerly Sec. 16-117). - Easements and private crossings may be condemned.

Section 13b-290. (Formerly Sec. 16-118). - Highway crossing discontinued.

Section 13b-291. (Formerly Sec. 16-119). - Private crossing to be restored.

Section 13b-292. (Formerly Sec. 16-119a). - Private crossings; protection requirements.

Section 13b-292a. - Private rail crossing providing highway access to single-family dwellings. Owner responsibilities.

Section 13b-293. (Formerly Sec. 16-120). - Maintenance of changed highway.

Section 13b-294. (Formerly Sec. 16-121). - Guards for rails at crossings.

Section 13b-295. (Formerly Sec. 16-122). - Overhead bridge guards. Penalty.

Section 13b-296. (Formerly Sec. 16-123). - Guard rails on bridges. Penalty.

Section 13b-297. (Formerly Sec. 16-124). - Footways on railroad bridges.

Section 13b-298. (Formerly Sec. 16-125). - Cattle guards.

Section 13b-299. (Formerly Sec. 16-126). - Fences.

Section 13b-300. (Formerly Sec. 16-127). - Order for fencing.

Section 13b-301. (Formerly Sec. 16-128). - Penalty. Damage.

Section 13b-302. (Formerly Sec. 16-129). - When adjoining owner neglects duty to erect or maintain fence.

Section 13b-303. (Formerly Sec. 16-130). - Fences affected by contract.

Section 13b-304. (Formerly Sec. 16-131). - Roads operated by trustees.

Section 13b-305. (Formerly Sec. 16-132). - Complaint by state's attorney for neglect of highway.

Section 13b-306. (Formerly Sec. 16-133). - Property needed for changing road or bridge.

Section 13b-307. (Formerly Sec. 16-134). - Change of location of canals or watercourses.

Section 13b-308. (Formerly Sec. 16-135). - Commercial sidetracks or branch line tracks at grade.

Section 13b-309. (Formerly Sec. 16-136). - Abandonment of station.

Section 13b-310. (Formerly Sec. 16-137). - Change of station when line is moved.

Section 13b-311. (Formerly Sec. 16-138). - Rebuilding or repairing of station.

Section 13b-312. - Owner of station to comply with structural guidelines and standards.

Section 13b-313. (Formerly Sec. 16-139). - Petition to stop trains.

Section 13b-314. (Formerly Sec. 16-139a). - Maintenance of station by municipality.

Section 13b-315. - Enforcement of statutory provisions and orders of commissioner.