For each fiscal year, there may be allocated two hundred fifty thousand dollars out of funds available to the commissioner not otherwise specifically allocated, to be used for a continuing joint highway research program. The commissioner and the president of The University of Connecticut may make agreements to establish such controls as may be mutually agreeable for the determination of the research to be undertaken in accordance with such program and to determine their respective responsibilities relative to administration, financing and the publication of findings. If suitable agreements can be entered into prior to the time that allocation of funds for any fiscal year is made, said commissioner may furnish the funds to continue such program from funds next to be allocated. Funds remaining unexpended at the end of each fiscal year shall revert to the unappropriated funds available to the commissioner.
(1961, P.A. 495; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 256; P.A. 86-300, S. 1, 3; P.A. 03-115, S. 45.)
History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; P.A. 86-300 increased allocation for research program from $50,000 to $250,000; P.A. 03-115 made technical changes.
Structure Connecticut General Statutes
Title 13a - Highways and Bridges
Chapter 241 - Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 13a-247. - Excavations, obstructions and subtractions.
Section 13a-250. - Use of labor of correctional institution inmates.
Section 13a-251. - Maintenance of James H. MacDonald Memorial Park.
Section 13a-253. - State dock at East Haddam.
Section 13a-254. - Renaming of memorial highways.
Section 13a-254a. - Ella T. Grasso Turnpike named.
Section 13a-255. - Establishment of a Connecticut coordinate system.
Section 13a-256. - Highway research program.
Section 13a-257. - Contractor not immune from liability.
Section 13a-258. - Maintenance of sidewalks pending completion of highway project.
Section 13a-260. - Pilot program to test fully autonomous vehicles.
Section 13a-261. - Definitions.
Section 13a-262. - Pilot program re work zone speed control systems in highway work zone.
Section 13a-264. - Review of recorded images. Notice of violation. Defenses.
Section 13a-265. - Information to Department of Transportation and vendor.