Section 10-5e is repealed, effective July 1, 2017.
(P.A. 10-111, S. 19; P.A. 11-135, S. 4; P.A. 17-42, S. 3.)
Structure Connecticut General Statutes
Title 10 - Education and Culture
Chapter 163 - State Board of Education. Department of Education
Section 10-1. - Appointment of board members.
Section 10-2a. - Student Advisory Council on Education.
Section 10-3. - Prosecuting agents to enforce school laws.
Section 10-3b. - Annual report to the General Assembly re State Education Resource Center.
Section 10-4a. - Educational interests of state identified.
Section 10-4c. - State board to monitor state grants to local and regional boards.
Section 10-4d. - Advisory committee on educational equity.
Section 10-4e. - Coordination and planning for educational technology.
Section 10-4f. - State Board of Education. Copyright authority.
Section 10-4g. - Parental and community involvement in schools; model program; school-based teams.
Section 10-4h. - Grant program for telecommunications projects.
Section 10-4l. - Advisory committee on school district reporting requirements.
Section 10-4m. - Commission on Educational Excellence.
Section 10-4n. - Committee on Educational Equity and Excellence.
Section 10-4s. - Reports and evaluations re school governance councils and reconstituted schools.
Section 10-4t. - Reports and evaluations re school governance councils.
Section 10-4u. - Parent Trust Fund.
Section 10-4v. - Innovation waivers. Procedural requirements. Legislative review.
Section 10-5a. - Educational technology and high school graduation requirements.
Section 10-5b. - Department of Education web site.
Section 10-5c. - Academic advancement program.
Section 10-5e. - Development or approval of end of the school year examinations.
Section 10-7e. - Occupational schools in existence on October 1, 1979.
Section 10-7v. - Digital Citizenship, Internet Safety and Media Literacy Advisory Council.
Section 10-8b. - Teacher shortages.
Section 10-8c. - Accelerated cross endorsement. Former teacher certification.
Section 10-9. - Bequests for educational purposes.
Section 10-9a. - Misuse of state funds or resources. Civil action by department.
Section 10-10. - Acquisition of federal surplus property.
Section 10-10b. - Inclusion of state-assigned student identifier on all official student documents.
Section 10-10c. - Uniform system of accounting. Chart of accounts. Audit.
Section 10-10d. - Regulations re fiscal accountability data collection report.
Section 10-10f. - Minimum budget requirement calculation worksheet.
Section 10-10h. - Document re resources for students and families.
Section 10-11a. - Allocation to meet matching requirements of federal acts.
Section 10-12. - State Board of Vocational Education.
Section 10-13. - Appointment of physicians for technical education and career schools.
Section 10-13a. - Fees at technical institutes.