Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 172 - Support of Public Schools. Transportation
Section 10-266u. - Retention of funds by the department. Grant to supplement existing programs. Reports. Audits.

(a) The Department of Education shall retain up to two and one-half per cent of the amount appropriated for purposes of section 10-266t for state-wide technical assistance, program monitoring and evaluation, and administration.

(b) Each grant pursuant to section 10-266t shall be awarded on an annual basis. Funding in subsequent years shall be based on available appropriations, compliance with this section and section 10-266t and program evaluations.
(c) Each school district which receives a grant pursuant to section 10-266t shall use the grant to supplement existing programs. If the Commissioner of Education finds that any grant is being used for other purposes, or to decrease the local share of support for schools or to supplant a previous source of funds, he may require repayment of such grant to the state.
(d) Each such district shall prepare an annual program report which describes and documents program operation, student participation and other indicators of success and shall submit the report to the Commissioner of Education in such form and at such time as he prescribes.
(e) Within sixty days after the close of the school year, each such district shall file with the Commissioner of Education a financial statement of expenditures, in such form as the commissioner prescribes. On or before December thirty-first of the fiscal year following the grant year, each district shall file, as part of the local government single audit process, an appropriate financial audit of the grant funds.
(f) On or before December first annually, the Commissioner of Education shall file, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a, an evaluation report of the program established pursuant to section 10-266t with the Governor, the General Assembly and the Office of Policy and Management.
(May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-6, S. 3, 28; P.A. 96-251, S. 5; P.A. 00-220, S. 18, 43; P.A. 03-76, S. 25.)
History: May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-6 effective July 1, 1994; P.A. 96-251 amended Subsec. (f) by requiring that on and after October 1, 1996, the report be submitted to the Governor, Office of Policy and Management and education committee and, upon request, to members of the General Assembly and adding provision re report summaries; P.A. 00-220 amended Subsec. (f) to remove provisions re submission of a summary of the report to individual members of the General Assembly, effective July 1, 2000; P.A. 03-76 made a technical change in Subsec. (a), effective June 3, 2003.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 10 - Education and Culture

Chapter 172 - Support of Public Schools. Transportation

Section 10-249. - Enumeration of children of compulsory school age in school districts and by state departments having jurisdiction over such children.

Section 10-250. - Report showing number of children.

Section 10-251. - Penalty for refusing to give age of child.

Section 10-252. - Children in state receiving homes. Employment of teachers.

Section 10-253. - School privileges for children in certain placements, nonresident children, children in temporary shelters, homeless children and children in juvenile residential centers. Liaison to facilitate transitions between school districts a...

Section 10-253a. - Reentry coordinators. Transfer of records of children in juvenile justice facilities. Exception for smaller districts.

Section 10-254. - Fraud.

Section 10-255. - Waiver of forfeiture.

Section 10-256. - Misapplication of school money.

Section 10-257. - Income of town deposit fund.

Section 10-257a to 10-257g. - Definitions. Minimum salaries for teachers; grants; calculations; contract negotiations. Salary aid grants, calculations; aid eligibility factor. General education aid grants; calculations. Eligibility. Teacher-pupil rat...

Section 10-257h. - Data to be transmitted.

Section 10-257i. - Educational roundtable committee.

Section 10-258. - Trust funds.

Section 10-259. - Fiscal and school year defined.

Section 10-260. - State aid to towns.

Section 10-260a. - Auditing of state grants for public education. Review of procedures manual.

Section 10-261. - Definitions.

Section 10-261a. - Equalized net grand lists for purposes of educational equalization grants.

Section 10-261b. - Data re transfers of real property for preparation of equalized net grand lists.

Section 10-262 to 10-262e. - Amounts payable to towns per pupil in average daily membership; additional payment for increase in enrollment. Pro rata distribution of federal funds among towns. Educational equalization grants; calculations; effect of c...

Section 10-262f. - Definitions.

Section 10-262g. - Base aid.

Section 10-262h. - Equalization aid grants.

Section 10-262i. - Equalization aid grant payments. Expenditures for educational purposes only. Prohibition against supplanting local funding. Aid increase. Aid reduction. Equalization aid grant amount for the previous fiscal year. Penalty.

Section 10-262j. - Minimum budget requirement.

Section 10-262k. - Grants for compensatory education programs.

Section 10-262l. - Grants for improvement in student achievement.

Section 10-262m. - Grants for high level of foster care placements in a school district.

Section 10-262n. - Grants to improve the use of technology in schools.

Section 10-262o. - Grant program for teacher technology training programs.

Section 10-262p. - Computer technology competency standards for students. Report on the status of educational technology in the public schools.

Section 10-262q. - Centralized web-based site for educators.

Section 10-262r. - Computer-assisted writing, instruction and testing. Pilot program.

Section 10-262s. - Authority of Commissioner of Education to transfer funds appropriated for Sheff settlement to certain grant programs.

Section 10-262t. - Grants to support plans that implement cost-saving strategies.

Section 10-262u. - Alliance districts.

Section 10-263. - Withholding of payments; adjustments for underpayments and overpayments of grants.

Section 10-263a and 10-263b. - Payment to towns not on uniform fiscal year. Amounts in average daily membership payable to the Department of Correction.

Section 10-263c. - Transitional school district grant program.

Section 10-263d. - Transitional school district phase-out grants. Reduced grants for first year of eligibility for transitional school district grants.

Section 10-263e. - Safe learning grant program.

Section 10-264. - Temporary additional payment.

Section 10-264a to 10-264d. - Promotion of educational quality and diversity: Definitions. Local assessment. Regional plans. Withholding of funds.

Section 10-264e. - Grant applications.

Section 10-264f. - Grants for single districts or one or more schools within a district.

Section 10-264g. - Grants for two or more districts.

Section 10-264h. - Grants for capital expenditures for interdistrict magnet school facilities.

Section 10-264i. - Transportation grants for interdistrict magnet school programs.

Section 10-264j. - No time or regional restrictions on development and implementation of interdistrict programs.

Section 10-264k. - Regions.

Section 10-264l. - Grants for the operation of interdistrict magnet school programs. Transportation. Enrollment of students; notice. Special education; Section 504 plans. Financial audits. Tuition.

Section 10-264m. - Creation of additional interdistrict magnet school programs with special emphasis on information technology curriculum.

Section 10-264n. - Collaborative planning for the establishment of additional interdistrict magnet schools in the Sheff region.

Section 10-264o. - Tuition payable to interdistrict magnet schools that assist the state in meeting its obligations pursuant to Sheff v. O'Neill.

Section 10-264p. - Sliding tuition scale for preschool programs offered at certain magnet schools.

Section 10-264q. - Eligibility of certain magnet schools not in compliance with racial minority enrollment requirements to continue to receive operating grants.

Section 10-264r. - Reduced-isolation setting standards.

Section 10-264s. - Applicability of education statutes to certain interdistrict magnet school operators. Recognized and considered a local education agency for purposes of state and federal law.

Section 10-264t. - Adoption of long-range plan of capital improvement and school building project priorities and goals by the Capitol Region Education Council.

Section 10-265. - Payments.

Section 10-265a. - Definitions.

Section 10-265aa. - The Partnership for Connecticut, Inc. Purposes, powers and reports.

Section 10-265b. - State grants for vocational education equipment.

Section 10-265bb. - Duties of the corporation.

Section 10-265c. - Distribution of funds. Grant application; limitations.

Section 10-265cc. - Board of directors.

Section 10-265d. - Bond authorization.

Section 10-265dd. - Funding to further the purposes of the collaboration.

Section 10-265e. - Definitions.

Section 10-265ee. - Financial assistance provided by the corporation. State assistance.

Section 10-265f. - Early reading success grant program.

Section 10-265ff. - Philanthropic Match account.

Section 10-265g. - Summer reading programs required for priority school districts. Evaluation of student reading level. Individual reading plan.

Section 10-265h. - Grants to assist alliance districts in paying for general improvements to school buildings.

Section 10-265i. - Grants for priority school districts for the purchase of library books.

Section 10-265j. - Model early childhood learning programs.

Section 10-265k. - Longitudinal study of educational progress of children participating in early reading success grant programs. Report.

Section 10-265l. - Requirements for additional instruction for poor performing students in priority school districts; exemption. Summer school required; exemption.

Section 10-265m. - Grants for summer school and weekend school programs in priority school districts.

Section 10-265n. - Even start family literacy program.

Section 10-265o. - Municipal aid for new educators grant program.

Section 10-265p. - Wraparound services grant program.

Section 10-265q. - Educational reform district science grant program.

Section 10-265r. - Heating, ventilation and air conditioning system grant program.

Section 10-265s. - Heating, ventilation and air conditioning system pipeline training pilot program.

Section 10-265t. - Bond issue for school air quality improvement grants.

Section 10-266 to 10-266i. - Reimbursement for education of pupils residing on state property or reservation land held in trust by the state for an Indian tribe; exemption. State grants for special programs for educationally deprived children. Amount...

Section 10-266aa. - State-wide interdistrict public school attendance program.

Section 10-266bb. - Grants for interdistrict resident summer programs and distance learning and other technologies.

Section 10-266cc. - Lighthouse schools.

Section 10-266dd. - Sheff Lighthouse Schools.

Section 10-266ee. - Dr. Joseph S. Renzulli Gifted and Talented Academy. Grant.

Section 10-266j. - Intercommunity programs for disadvantaged children.

Section 10-266k and 10-266l. - State grants for special educational programs and other municipal purposes. Agreements between private schools and urban school districts for education of disadvantaged children in public schools.

Section 10-266m. - Transportation grants.

Section 10-266n and 10-266o. - Phase-in of transportation grants. Hold-harmless for transportation grants.

Section 10-266p. - Priority school district grant program.

Section 10-266q. - Proposals and plans for expenditure of grant.

Section 10-266r. - Evaluation of program. Financial statement of expenditures.

Section 10-266s. - Interdistrict leadership grant program.

Section 10-266t. - Grants for extended school building hours for academic enrichment and support and recreation programs.

Section 10-266u. - Retention of funds by the department. Grant to supplement existing programs. Reports. Audits.

Section 10-266w. - School breakfast grant program.

Section 10-266x. - Development of innovative programs for educational improvement.

Section 10-266y. - Competitive grant program for certain high school projects.

Section 10-267 to 10-273. - State aid for purchase of nonprint learning materials, media equipment and books. “Average annual receipts from taxation” defined. Statement by town treasurer. Transportation grants for elementary school and kindergarten p...

Section 10-273a. - Reimbursement for transportation to and from elementary and secondary schools.

Section 10-273b to 10-276. - Reimbursement for sidewalk construction. Definition of “high school” for purpose of transportation grants. Statement by town treasurer. Certificate by Tax Commissioner for high school transportation grant.

Section 10-276a. - Priority school district phase-out grants. Reduced grants for first year of eligibility for priority school district grants.

Section 10-276b. - Diverse learning environment for state-funded interdistrict programs.

Section 10-277. - Reimbursement for transportation of high school pupils from towns or regional school districts not maintaining high schools. Transportation to nonpublic schools.

Section 10-278 to 10-280. - Reimbursements: Classification for; fixed in amount received for school year ended June 30, 1938.

Section 10-280a. - Transportation for pupils in nonprofit private schools outside school district.

Section 10-280b. - Policy for parental notification re age range of nonpublic school students riding the same school bus.

Section 10-280c. - Nonpublic school transportation services pilot program.

Section 10-281. - Transportation for pupils in nonprofit private schools within school district.