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§ 31-4-201. Authority to Reorganize - Rights and Powers - Any city may reorganize into a city council-city manager form...
§ 31-4-202. Petition - Election - (1) [ Editor's note: This version of subsection (1) is...
§ 31-4-203. Majority Vote Carries - When Effective - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1028, § 1,...
§ 31-4-204. Prior Laws Applicable - Rights and Liabilities Continue - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1028, § 1,...
§ 31-4-205. Council Members - Vacancies - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1029, § 1,...
§ 31-4-206. Council Members - Nomination - Election - Compensation - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1029, § 1,...
§ 31-4-207. Mayor - Selection - (2) [ Editor's note: This version of subsection (2) is...
§ 31-4-207.5. Mayor - Powers and Duties - The mayor shall be the presiding officer of the city...
§ 31-4-208. City Attorney - Municipal Judge - The city council shall appoint a city attorney, who, upon...
§ 31-4-209. Rules - Business - Journal - The city council shall determine its own rules, procedure, and...
§ 31-4-210. City Manager - Qualifications - Removal - The city council shall appoint a city manager who shall...
§ 31-4-211. City Manager - Powers and Responsibility - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1030, § 1,...
§ 31-4-212. Council Not to Interfere - Except as otherwise provided in this part 2, neither the...
§ 31-4-213. Duties of City Manager - It is the duty of the city manager to act...
§ 31-4-214. City Manager Sits in Council - No Vote - The city manager is entitled to a seat in the...
§ 31-4-215. Administrative Plan - Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1031, § 1,...
§ 31-4-216. Accounts of Utilities - Accounts shall be kept for each public utility owned or...
§ 31-4-217. Publicity of Records - Records of the city shall be open to inspection at...
§ 31-4-218. Pay of Officers and Employees - The salary or compensation of officers and employees shall be...
§ 31-4-219. Official Bonds - Waiver - The city manager, the city clerk, and such other officers...