Colorado Code
Part 2 - Uniform Debt-Management Services Act
§ 5-19-213. Bond Required

(1) Be in the amount of fifty thousand dollars or other larger or smaller amount that the administrator determines is warranted by the financial condition and business experience of the provider, the history of the provider in performing debt-management services, the risk to individuals, and any other factor the administrator considers appropriate;
(2) Be issued by a bonding, surety, or insurance company authorized to do business in this state and rated at least A by a nationally recognized rating organization; and

(1) The administrator assesses expenses under section 5-19-232 (b)(1), issues a final order under section 5-19-233 (a)(2), or recovers a final judgment under section 5-19-233 (a)(4), (a)(5), or (d); or
(2) An individual recovers a final judgment pursuant to section 5-19-235 (a), (b), (c)(1), (c)(2), or (c)(4).

(1) To satisfaction of a final order or judgment under section 5-19-233 (a)(2), (a)(4), (a)(5), or (d);
(2) To final judgments recovered by individuals pursuant to section 5-19-235 (a), (b), (c)(1), (c)(2), or (c)(4), pro rata;
(3) To claims of individuals established to the satisfaction of the administrator, pro rata; and

Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (HB 17-1238), ch. 260, p. 1147, § 4, effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-14.5-213 as it existed prior to 2017.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 5 - Consumer Credit Code

Article 19 - Debt-Management Services

Part 2 - Uniform Debt-Management Services Act

§ 5-19-201. Short Title

§ 5-19-202. Definitions

§ 5-19-203. Exempt Agreements and Persons

§ 5-19-204. Registration Required

§ 5-19-205. Application for Registration - Form, Fee, and Accompanying Documents

§ 5-19-206. Application for Registration - Required Information

§ 5-19-206.5. Name-Based Criminal History Record Check

§ 5-19-207. Application for Registration - Obligation to Update Information

§ 5-19-208. Application for Registration - Public Information

§ 5-19-209. Certificate of Registration - Issuance or Denial

§ 5-19-210. Certificate of Registration - Timing

§ 5-19-211. Renewal of Registration

§ 5-19-212. Registration in Another State

§ 5-19-213. Bond Required

§ 5-19-214. Bond Required - Substitute

§ 5-19-215. Good Faith Requirement

§ 5-19-216. Customer Service

§ 5-19-217. Prerequisites for Providing Debt-Management Services

§ 5-19-218. Communication by Electronic or Other Means - Definitions

§ 5-19-219. Form and Contents of Agreement

§ 5-19-220. Cancellation of Agreement - Waiver

§ 5-19-221. Required Language

§ 5-19-222. Trust Account

§ 5-19-223. Fees and Other Charges

§ 5-19-224. Voluntary Contributions

§ 5-19-225. Voidable Agreements

§ 5-19-226. Termination of Agreements

§ 5-19-227. Periodic Reports - Retention of Records

§ 5-19-228. Prohibited Acts and Practices

§ 5-19-229. Notice of Litigation

§ 5-19-230. Advertising

§ 5-19-231. Liability for the Conduct of Other Persons

§ 5-19-232. Powers of Administrator - Rules

§ 5-19-233. Administrative and Legal Remedies

§ 5-19-234. Suspension, Revocation, or Nonrenewal of Registration - Definitions

§ 5-19-235. Private Enforcement

§ 5-19-236. Violation of Unfair or Deceptive Practices Statute

§ 5-19-237. Statute of Limitations

§ 5-19-238. Uniformity of Application and Construction

§ 5-19-239. Relation to Federal "Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act"

§ 5-19-240. Transitional Provisions - Application to Existing Transactions

§ 5-19-241. Severability

§ 5-19-242. Repeal of Part