Colorado Code
Part 1 - General and Administrative Provisions
§ 40-2-114. Disposition of Fees Collected - Telecommunications Utility Fund - Fixed Utility Fund

(I) The administrative expenses of the commission for the supervision and regulation of the public utilities paying the fees;
(II) The financing of the office of the utility consumer advocate created in article 6.5 of this title 40; and

Source: L. 55: p. 697, § 1. CRS 53: § 115-2-15. L. 57: p. 600, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 115-2-15. L. 64: p. 654, § 10. L. 69: p. 930, § 11. L. 84: Entire section amended, p. 1047, § 4, effective July 1. L. 2015: Entire section amended, (HB 15-1372), ch. 247, p. 907, § 2, effective May 29. L. 2016: (1) amended, (HB 16-1186), ch. 212, p. 820, § 1, effective June 6; (1)(a) amended, (SB 16-087), ch. 217, p. 831, § 1, effective June 6. L. 2021: (2) amended, (SB 21-072), ch. 329, p. 2128, § 10, effective June 24; (2) amended, (SB 21-103), ch. 477, p. 3413, § 11, effective September 1.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 40 - Utilities

Article 2 - Public Utilities Commission - Renewable Energy Standard

Part 1 - General and Administrative Provisions

§ 40-2-101. Creation - Appointment - Term - Subject to Termination - Repeal of Part

§ 40-2-102. Oath - Qualifications

§ 40-2-103. Director - Duties

§ 40-2-104. Assistants and Employees - Utilization of Independent Experts

§ 40-2-104.5. Financial Disclosures by Intervenors

§ 40-2-105. Office - Sessions - Seal - Supplies

§ 40-2-106. Reports and Decisions of the Commission

§ 40-2-107. Compensation and Expenses of Employees

§ 40-2-108. Rules - Definitions - Legislative Declaration

§ 40-2-109. Report to Executive Director of the Department of Revenue

§ 40-2-109.5. Incentives for Distributed Generation - Definition

§ 40-2-110. Appropriation and Fees

§ 40-2-110.5. Annual Fees - Public Utilities Commission Motor Carrier Fund - Created

§ 40-2-111. Report of Utilities to Department of Revenue

§ 40-2-112. Computation of Fees

§ 40-2-113. Collection of Fees - Limitation

§ 40-2-114. Disposition of Fees Collected - Telecommunications Utility Fund - Fixed Utility Fund

§ 40-2-115. Cooperation With Other States and With the United States - Rules - Definitions

§ 40-2-119. Exemption of Rail Carrier Transportation

§ 40-2-120. Rail Transportation Policy

§ 40-2-122. Natural Gas - Deregulation of Supply - Voluntary Separation of Service Offerings - Consumer Protection - Legislative Declaration - Definition - Rules

§ 40-2-123. Energy Technologies - Consideration by Commission - Incentives - Demonstration Projects - Definitions - Repeal

§ 40-2-124. Renewable Energy Standards - Qualifying Retail and Wholesale Utilities - Definitions - Net Metering - Legislative Declaration - Rules

§ 40-2-125. Eminent Domain Restrictions

§ 40-2-125.5. Carbon Dioxide Emission Reductions - Goal to Eliminate by 2050 - Legislative Declaration - Interim Targets - Submission and Approval of Plans - Definitions - Cost Recovery - Reports - Rules

§ 40-2-126. Transmission Facilities - Biennial Review - Energy Resource Zones - Definition - Plans - Approval - Cost Recovery

§ 40-2-127. Community Energy Funds - Community Solar Gardens - Definitions - Rules - Legislative Declaration - Repeal

§ 40-2-128. Solar Photovoltaic Installations - Supervision by Certified Practitioners - Qualifications of Electrical Contractors - Definitions

§ 40-2-129. New Resource Acquisitions - Factors in Determination - Local Employment - "Best Value" Metrics - Performance Audit

§ 40-2-130. Distributed Resources - Energy Storage Systems - Definitions - Legislative Declaration - Rules

§ 40-2-131. State of 911 Report

§ 40-2-132. Distribution System Planning - Definition - Rules

§ 40-2-133. Workforce Transition Planning Filing - Definition

§ 40-2-134. Wholesale Electric Cooperatives - Electric Resource Planning - Definition - Rules

§ 40-2-135. Retail Distributed Generation - Customers' Rights - Rules

§ 40-2-136. Energy Storage Systems - Terms and Conditions for Installation, Interconnection, and Use by Cooperatives - Legislative Declaration - Definitions

§ 40-2-137. Investor-Owned Utility Electric Resource Planning - Retirement of Electric Generating Facility - Commission to Consider Securitization as Means of Financing