Colorado Code
Part 2 - Effectiveness of Security Agreement; Attachment of Security Interest; Rights of Parties to Security Agreement
§ 4-9-210. Request for Accounting - Request Regarding List of Collateral or Statement of Account - Definitions

(1) In the case of a request for an accounting, by authenticating and sending to the debtor an accounting; and
(2) In the case of a request regarding a list of collateral or a request regarding a statement of account, by authenticating and sending to the debtor an approval or correction.

(1) Disclaiming any interest in the collateral; and
(2) If known to the recipient, providing the name and mailing address of any assignee of or successor to the recipient's interest in the collateral.

(1) Disclaiming any interest in the obligations; and
(2) If known to the recipient, providing the name and mailing address of any assignee of or successor to the recipient's interest in the obligations.

Source: L. 2001: Entire article R&RE, p. 1340, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: (1) This section is similar to former § 4-9-208 as it existed prior to 2001.
(2) Colorado legislative change: In subsection (f), Colorado changed the word "one" to "a", added the phrase "for each (i) an accounting, (ii) regarding a list of collateral, and (iii) regarding a statement of account", changed the fee from $25 to $15, and added the last sentence.