Colorado Code
Part 3 - Execution of Sender's Payment Order by Receiving Bank
§ 4-4.5-303. Erroneous Execution of Payment Order

Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 354, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.

If Originator's Bank erroneously executed Originator's order by instructing Beneficiary's Bank to pay less than $1,000,000, subsection (b) applies. If Originator's Bank corrects its error by issuing another payment order to Beneficiary's Bank that results in payment of $1,000,000 to Beneficiary, Originator's Bank is entitled to payment of $1,000,000 from Originator. If the mistake is not corrected, Originator's Bank is entitled to payment from Originator only in the amount of the order issued by Originator's Bank.