Colorado Code
Part 6 - Discharge and Payment
§ 4-3-605. Discharge of Indorsers and Accommodation Parties

Source: L. 94: Entire article R&RE, p. 878, § 1, effective January 1, 1995.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 4-3-606 as it existed prior to 1994.

In some states a real property grantee who assumes the obligation of the grantor as maker of a note secured by the real property becomes by operation of law a principal debtor and the grantor becomes a surety. The meager case authority was split on whether former Section 3-606 applied to release the grantor if the holder released or extended the obligation of the grantee. Revised Article 3 takes no position on the effect of the release of the grantee in this case. Section 3-605(e) does not apply because the holder has not discharged the obligation of a "party," a term defined in Section 3-103(a)(8) as "party to an instrument." The assuming grantee is not a party to the instrument.