Colorado Code
Part 2 - Negotiation, Transfer, and Indorsement
§ 4-3-205. Special Indorsement; Blank Indorsement; Anomalous Indorsement

Source: L. 94: Entire article R&RE, p. 851, § 1, effective January 1, 1995.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 4-3-204 as it existed prior to 1994.

A blank indorsement is usually the signature of the indorser on the back of the instrument without other words. Subsection (c) is based on subsection (3) of former Section 3-204. A "restrictive indorsement" described in Section 3-206 can be either a blank indorsement or a special indorsement. "Pay to T, in trust for B" is a restrictive indorsement. It is also a special indorsement because it identifies T as the person to whom the instrument is payable. "For deposit only" followed by the signature of the payee of a check is a restrictive indorsement. It is also a blank indorsement because it does not identify the person to whom the instrument is payable.