Colorado Code
Part 7 - Remedies
§ 4-2-719. Contractual Modification or Limitation of Remedy

Source: L. 65: p. 1342, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 155-2-719.
Prior Uniform Statutory Provision: None.

However, it is of the very essence of a sales contract that at least minimum adequate remedies be available. If the parties intend to conclude a contract for sale within this Article they must accept the legal consequence that there be at least a fair quantum of remedy for breach of the obligations or duties outlined in the contract. Thus any clause purporting to modify or limit the remedial provisions of this Article in an unconscionable manner is subject to deletion and in that event the remedies made available by this Article are applicable as if the stricken clause had never existed. Similarly, under subsection (2), where an apparently fair and reasonable clause because of circumstances fails in its purpose or operates to deprive either party of the substantial value of the bargain, it must give way to the general remedy provisions of this Article.
Cross References:
Point 1: Section 4-2-302.
Point 3: Section 4-2-316.
Definitional Cross References:
"Agreement". Section 4-1-201.
"Buyer". Section 4-2-103.
"Conforming". Section 4-2-106.
"Contract". Section 4-1-201.
"Goods". Section 4-2-105.
"Remedy". Section 4-1-201.
"Seller". Section 4-2-103.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 4 - Uniform Commercial Code

Article 2 - Sales

Part 7 - Remedies

§ 4-2-701. Remedies for Breach of Collateral Contracts Not Impaired

§ 4-2-702. Seller's Remedies on Discovery of Buyer's Insolvency

§ 4-2-703. Seller's Remedies in General

§ 4-2-704. Seller's Right to Identify Goods to the Contract Notwithstanding Breach or to Salvage Unfinished Goods

§ 4-2-705. Seller's Stoppage of Delivery in Transit or Otherwise

§ 4-2-706. Seller's Resale Including Contract for Resale

§ 4-2-707. "Person in the Position of a Seller"

§ 4-2-708. Seller's Damages for Nonacceptance or Repudiation

§ 4-2-709. Action for the Price

§ 4-2-710. Seller's Incidental Damages

§ 4-2-711. Buyer's Remedies in General - Buyer's Security Interest in Rejected Goods

§ 4-2-712. "Cover" - Buyer's Procurement of Substitute Goods

§ 4-2-713. Buyer's Damages for Nondelivery or Repudiation

§ 4-2-714. Buyer's Damages for Breach in Regard to Accepted Goods

§ 4-2-715. Buyer's Incidental and Consequential Damages

§ 4-2-716. Buyer's Right to Specific Performance or Replevin

§ 4-2-717. Deduction of Damages From the Price

§ 4-2-718. Liquidation or Limitation of Damages - Deposits

§ 4-2-719. Contractual Modification or Limitation of Remedy

§ 4-2-720. Effect of "Cancellation" or "Rescission" on Claims for Antecedent Breach

§ 4-2-721. Remedies for Fraud

§ 4-2-722. Who Can Sue Third Parties for Injury to Goods

§ 4-2-723. Proof of Market Price - Time and Place

§ 4-2-724. Admissibility of Market Quotations

§ 4-2-725. Statute of Limitations in Contracts for Sale