Colorado Code
Part 4 - Title, Creditors, and Good Faith Purchasers
§ 4-2-402. Rights of Seller's Creditors Against Sold Goods

Source: L. 65: p. 1320, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 155-2-402.
Prior Uniform Statutory Provision: Subsection (2) -- Section 26, Uniform Sales Act; Subsections (1) and (3) -- none.
Changes: Rephrased.
Purposes of Changes and New Matter: To avoid confusion on ordinary issues between current sellers and buyers and issues in the field of preference and hindrance by making it clear that:

Definitional Cross References:
"Contract for sale". Section 4-2-106.
"Creditor". Section 4-1-201.
"Good faith". Section 4-2-103.
"Goods". Section 4-2-105.
"Merchant". Section 4-2-104.
"Money". Section 4-1-201.
"Reasonable time". Section 4-1-204.
"Rights". Section 4-1-201.
"Sale". Section 4-2-106.
"Seller". Section 4-2-103.