Colorado Code
Part 2 - Form, Formation, and Readjustment of Contract
§ 4-2-207. Additional Terms in Acceptance or Confirmation

Source: L. 65: p. 1304, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 155-2-207.
Prior Uniform Statutory Provision: Sections 1 and 3, Uniform Sales Act.
Changes: Completely rewritten by this and other sections of this Article.
Purposes of Changes:

Cross References:
See generally Section 4-2-302.
Point 5: Sections 4-2-513, 4-2-602, 4-2-607, 4-2-609, 4-2-612, 4-2-614, 4-2-615, 4-2-616, 4-2-718 and 4-2-719.
Point 6: Sections 1-102 and 4-2-104.
Definitional Cross References:
"Between merchants". Section 4-2-104.
"Contract". Section 4-1-201.
"Notification". Section 4-1-201.
"Reasonable time". Section 4-1-204.
"Seasonably". Section 4-1-204.
"Send". Section 4-1-201.
"Term". Section 4-1-201.
"Written". Section 4-1-201.