Colorado Code
Part 1 - Short Title, General Construction, and Subject Matter
§ 4-2-103. Definitions and Index of Definitions

"Acceptance". Section 4-2-606.
"Banker's credit". Section 4-2-325.
"Between merchants". Section 4-2-104.
"Cancellation". Section 4-2-106 (4).
"Commercial unit". Section 4-2-105.
"Confirmed credit". Section 4-2-325.
"Conforming to contract". Section 4-2-106.
"Contract for sale". Section 4-2-106.
"Cover". Section 4-2-712.
"Entrusting". Section 4-2-403.
"Financing agency". Section 4-2-104.
"Future goods". Section 4-2-105.
"Goods". Section 4-2-105.
"Identification". Section 4-2-501.
"Installment contract". Section 4-2-612.
"Letter of credit". Section 4-2-325.
"Lot". Section 4-2-105.
"Merchant". Section 4-2-104.
"Overseas". Section 4-2-323.
"Person in position of seller". Section 4-2-707.
"Present sale". Section 4-2-106.
"Sale". Section 4-2-106.
"Sale on approval". Section 4-2-326.
"Sale or return". Section 4-2-326.
"Termination". Section 4-2-106.

"Check". Section 4-3-104.
"Consignee". Section 4-7-102.
"Consignor". Section 4-7-102.
"Consumer goods". Section 4-9-102.
"Dishonor". Section 4-3-502.
"Draft". Section 4-3-104.

Source: L. 65: p. 1298, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 155-2-103. L. 99: (3) amended, p. 616, § 2, effective August 4. L. 2001: (3) amended, p. 1436, § 18, effective July 1. L. 2006: (3) amended, p. 490, § 3, effective September 1. L. 2007: (3) amended, p. 374, § 27, effective August 3.
Cross references: For the delegation of performance and assignment of rights, see § 4-2-210.
Prior Uniform Statutory Provision: Subsection (1): Section 76, Uniform Sales Act.
The definitions of "buyer" and "seller" have been slightly rephrased, the reference in Section 76 of the prior Act to "any legal successor in interest of such person" being omitted. The definition of "receipt" is new.
Purposes of Changes and New Matter:

Cross References:
Point 1: See Section 4-2-210 and Comment thereon.
Point 2: Section 4-1-201.
Definitional Cross Reference:
"Person". Section 4-1-201.