If any property, real or personal, under the law, is subject to a lien for the payment of any tax due the state of Colorado, the executive director of the department of revenue may issue a certificate of discharge of any part of the property subject to the lien if he finds that the fair market value of that part of such property remaining subject to the lien is at least double the amount of the liability remaining unsatisfied in respect to such tax and the amount of all prior liens upon such property.
Source: L. 43: p. 508, § 3. CSA: C. 142, § 280(3). CRS 53: § 138-7-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 138-6-4.
Structure Colorado Code
Article 20 - Enforcement of Tax Liens
§ 39-20-101. Not Applicable to General or Inheritance Taxes
§ 39-20-102. Civil Action to Enforce Lien
§ 39-20-103. When Holder of Prior Lien May File Action
§ 39-20-104. Certificate of Discharge Subject to Lien
§ 39-20-105. Certificate of Discharge to Part of Property