Colorado Code
Article 88 - State Canals and Reservoirs
§ 37-88-101. Authority to Locate and Construct

For the purpose of reclaiming, by irrigation, state and other lands and for the purpose of furnishing work for inmates, the department of corrections is authorized to locate, acquire, and construct, in the name of and for the use of the state of Colorado, ditches, canals, reservoirs, and feeders, for irrigating and domestic purposes, and for that purpose may use the labor of persons in the custody of the department of corrections.
Source: L. 1889: p. 285, § 1. R.S. 08: § 3499. C.L. § 1933. CSA: C. 90, § 350. CRS 53: § 147-17-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 148-17-1. L. 77: Entire section amended, p. 954, § 32, effective August 1. L. 79: Entire section amended, p. 704, § 85, effective July 1.