Colorado Code
Article 44 - Internal Improvement Districts Law of 1923
§ 37-44-106. Canvass of Votes

The district judge, within ten days after the returns of said election have been filed with the clerk of said district court by the judges of election in the various precincts of said district, shall proceed to canvass the returns of the votes cast thereat and if it is proven to said court that at least a majority of the legal electors in said district who are also the owners of more than one-half the total acreage included in said district have voted "Internal Improvement - Yes", the said judge, by an order duly entered in said court, shall declare such territory duly organized into an internal improvement district under the name and style theretofore designated and in said order declare the persons receiving respectively the highest number of votes in each election precinct for such several offices to be duly elected to such office. Said board shall cause a copy of such order, including a plat of said district, duly certified by the clerk of said district court, to be filed for record in the office of the county clerk and recorder of each county into which any portion of the lands situated in said internal improvement district extends and, after the date of filing such order, no portion of such district shall be included in or form a part of any other internal improvement district. From and after the date of such filing, the organization of such district shall be complete, and the officers thereof shall immediately enter upon the duties of their respective offices, upon qualifying in accordance with law, and shall hold such offices respectively until their successors are elected and qualified.
Source: L. 23: p. 491, § 4. CSA: C. 138, § 20. CRS 53: § 149-5-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 150-4-4.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 37 - Water and Irrigation

Article 44 - Internal Improvement Districts Law of 1923

§ 37-44-101. Liberal Construction

§ 37-44-102. Petition - Establishment of an Internal Improvement District

§ 37-44-103. Powers of District

§ 37-44-104. Presentation and Allowance of Petitions

§ 37-44-105. Notice of Election - Voters - Ballots

§ 37-44-106. Canvass of Votes

§ 37-44-107. Plans for Improvements

§ 37-44-108. Directors - Powers and Duties

§ 37-44-109. Meetings of Board - Records

§ 37-44-110. Title - Tax Exemption

§ 37-44-111. Conveyances - Power to Sue

§ 37-44-112. Bonds

§ 37-44-113. Sale of Bonds

§ 37-44-114. Classification of Lands

§ 37-44-115. Objections to Classifications

§ 37-44-116. Conduct of Appeals

§ 37-44-117. Appeal Not to Delay

§ 37-44-118. Modification of Classification

§ 37-44-119. Apportionment of Levy

§ 37-44-120. Assessment

§ 37-44-121. Assessment List - Collection

§ 37-44-122. Assessment Book

§ 37-44-123. Assessments Affect Land Benefited

§ 37-44-124. County Treasurer Ex Officio District Treasurer

§ 37-44-125. Where Office of District Kept

§ 37-44-126. Election of Officers - Oath or Affirmation - Bond

§ 37-44-127. Notices of Election of Officers

§ 37-44-128. Judges and Clerk of Election

§ 37-44-129. Voters to Appoint Judges if Necessary

§ 37-44-130. Administration of Oath

§ 37-44-131. Hours Polls Open

§ 37-44-132. Count of Ballots - Certificate of Returns

§ 37-44-133. Canvass of Returns - Result

§ 37-44-134. Procedure in Case of Tie

§ 37-44-135. Certificate of Election

§ 37-44-136. Filling Vacancy

§ 37-44-137. Collection of Assessments

§ 37-44-138. Construction Contract - Bond

§ 37-44-139. Claims - Audit - Payment

§ 37-44-140. Expenses of Organization

§ 37-44-141. Works May Cross Other Lands

§ 37-44-142. Officers' Compensation

§ 37-44-143. Limit of Indebtedness

§ 37-44-144. Insufficient Supply

§ 37-44-145. Judicial Action on Bonds

§ 37-44-146. Petition for Confirmation

§ 37-44-147. Notice of Hearing

§ 37-44-148. Answer or Pleading

§ 37-44-149. Determination