Colorado Code
Article 4 - Reclamation of State Lands
§ 36-4-105. Water Rights Acquired - How

Such action may be taken by initiating such water rights and systems for reservoirs, canals, and conduits, or by the purchase of existing water rights, systems for reservoirs, canals, and conduits, or an interest therein, including pumping plants, highways, and such other accessories as may, in the judgment of the board, be necessary or desirable to the successful accomplishment of the objects of sections 36-4-104 to 36-4-112.
Source: L. 13: p. 588, § 2. C.L. § 1194. CSA: C. 134, § 93. CRS 53: § 112-4-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 112-4-5.