Colorado Code
Article 42 - Mining District Laws
§ 34-42-101. Mining District Records - Filed

A copy of all the records, laws, and proceedings of each mining district, insofar as they relate to lode claims, shall be filed in the office of the county clerk and recorder of the county in which the district is situated, within the boundaries of the mining district attached to the same, which shall be taken as evidence in any court having jurisdiction in the matters contained in such record or proceeding. All such records of deeds and conveyances, laws, and proceedings of any mining district filed in the county clerk and recorder's office of the proper county prior to November 7, 1861, and transcripts thereof duly certified, whether such records relate to gulch claims, lode claims, building lots, or other real estate, shall have the like effect as evidence.
Source: R.S. p. 466, § 11. G.L. § 1807. G.S. § 2396. R.S. 08: § 4258. C.L. § 3382. CSA: C. 110, § 274. CRS 53: § 92-21-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 92-21-1.