Colorado Code
Article 32.5 - Colorado Land Reclamation Act for the Extraction of Construction Materials
§ 34-32.5-112. Application for Reclamation Permit - Changes in Permits - Fees - Notice

Source: L. 95: Entire article added, p. 1165, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2002: (8) amended, p. 1546, § 301, effective October 1. L. 2004: (9)(c) amended, p. 758, § 1, effective May 13.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2002 act amending this section, see section 1 of chapter 318, Session Laws of Colorado 2002.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 34 - Mineral Resources

Article 32.5 - Colorado Land Reclamation Act for the Extraction of Construction Materials

§ 34-32.5-101. Short Title

§ 34-32.5-102. Legislative Declaration

§ 34-32.5-103. Definitions

§ 34-32.5-104. Administration

§ 34-32.5-105. Office of Mined Land Reclamation - Mined Land Reclamation Board

§ 34-32.5-106. Duties of Board

§ 34-32.5-107. Powers of Board

§ 34-32.5-108. Rules

§ 34-32.5-109. Reclamation Permit Required - Existing Permits

§ 34-32.5-110. Existing Limited Impact Operations - Expedited Process

§ 34-32.5-111. Special Permits - Fifteen-Calendar-Day Processing

§ 34-32.5-112. Application for Reclamation Permit - Changes in Permits - Fees - Notice

§ 34-32.5-113. Exploration Notice - Reclamation Requirements

§ 34-32.5-114. Protests - Petition for Hearing

§ 34-32.5-115. Action by Board - Appeals

§ 34-32.5-116. Duties of Operators - Reclamation Plans

§ 34-32.5-117. Warranties of Performance - Warranties of Financial Responsibility - Release of Warranties

§ 34-32.5-118. Forfeiture of Financial Warranties

§ 34-32.5-119. Operators - Succession

§ 34-32.5-120. Permit Refused - Operator in Default

§ 34-32.5-121. Entry Upon Lands for Inspection - Reporting Certain Conditions

§ 34-32.5-122. Fees, Civil Penalties, and Forfeitures - Deposit

§ 34-32.5-123. Operating Without a Permit - Penalty

§ 34-32.5-124. Failure to Comply With Conditions of Order, Permit, or Regulation

§ 34-32.5-125. Mined Land Reclamation Fund - Fees