Petition to recall (name of person sought to be recalled) from the office of (title of office).
For anyone to sign this petition with any name other than one's own or to knowingly sign one's name more than once for the same measure or to sign such petition when not a registered elector. Do not sign this petition unless you are a registered elector. To be a registered elector, you must be a citizen of Colorado and registered to vote in (name of municipality). Do not sign this petition unless you have read or have had read to you the proposed measure in its entirety and understand its meaning.
Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1036, § 1, effective July 1. L. 81: (1)(a) amended, p. 1509, § 37, effective July 1. L. 85: (1)(a) to (1)(c) amended, p. 1349, § 21, effective April 30. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 747, § 19, effective April 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 31-5-202 as it existed prior to 1975.
Structure Colorado Code
Title 31 - Government - Municipal
Article 4 - Organizational Structure and Officers
§ 31-4-501. Officers Subject to Recall
§ 31-4-502. Procedure - Petition - Signatures
§ 31-4-503. Petition in Sections - Signing - Affidavit - Review - Tampering With Petition
§ 31-4-504. Resignation - Vacancy Filled - Election - Ballot - Nomination
§ 31-4-504.5. Incumbent Not Recalled - Reimbursement