Colorado Code
Part 1 - Discontinuance - Cities and Towns
§ 31-3-106. County Clerk and Recorder to Publish - Posting

When the incorporation of any city or town has been discontinued in accordance with the provisions of this part 1, the county clerk and recorder of each county in which the city or town, or any part thereof, was situate shall publish notice of such discontinuance of incorporation once each week for at least four weeks in some newspaper published within the county, or, if no newspaper is published within the county, said county clerk and recorder shall post notice thereof in three public places within the county for a period of not less than thirty calendar days. Said county clerk and recorder shall also certify the fact of discontinuance of incorporation to the secretary of state.
Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1022, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 31-9-106 as it existed prior to 1975.