Colorado Code
Part 5 - County Public Improvement District Act
§ 30-20-506. Bond of Petitioners

At the time of filing the petition or at any time prior to the time of hearing on said petition a bond shall be filed, with security approved by the governing body, or cash deposit made sufficient to pay all expenses connected with the proceedings in case the organization of the district is not effected. If at any time during the organization proceedings the governing body is satisfied that the bond first executed or the amount of cash deposited is insufficient in amount, it may require the execution of an additional bond or the deposit of additional cash within a time to be fixed, not less than ten days distant, and upon failure of the petitioners to file or deposit the same, the petition shall be dismissed.
Source: L. 68: p. 164, § 6. C.R.S. 1963: § 36-25-6.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 30 - Government - County

Article 20 - Public Improvements

Part 5 - County Public Improvement District Act

§ 30-20-501. Short Title

§ 30-20-502. Legislative Declaration

§ 30-20-503. Definitions

§ 30-20-504. Authority of Governing Body

§ 30-20-505. Organization Petition - Contents

§ 30-20-506. Bond of Petitioners

§ 30-20-507. Notice of Hearing

§ 30-20-508. Hearing - Dismissal - Findings - Declaration - When Action Barred

§ 30-20-509. Recording of Resolution

§ 30-20-510. Governing Body Constitutes Board - Duties

§ 30-20-511. Meetings

§ 30-20-512. General Powers of District

§ 30-20-512.5. Local Improvement Districts - Authority to Establish

§ 30-20-513. Determination of Special Benefits - Factors Considered

§ 30-20-514. Power to Levy Taxes

§ 30-20-515. Determining and Fixing Rate of Levy

§ 30-20-516. Levies to Cover Deficiencies

§ 30-20-517. County Officers to Levy and Collect Taxes - Liens

§ 30-20-518. Property Sold for Taxes

§ 30-20-519. Reserve Fund

§ 30-20-520. Inclusion or Exclusion - Petition - Notice - Hearing - Order

§ 30-20-521. Liability of Property

§ 30-20-522. Board Can Issue Bonds - Form - Legislative Declaration

§ 30-20-527. Procedure

§ 30-20-528. Correction of Faulty Notices

§ 30-20-529. Early Hearings

§ 30-20-530. County Jurisdiction Unimpaired

§ 30-20-531. Method Not Exclusive

§ 30-20-532. Confirmation of Board Actions and Powers

§ 30-20-533. Exemption From Taxation

§ 30-20-534. Limitation of Actions