Colorado Code
Part 7 - Treasurer
§ 30-10-715. Treasurer to Issue Receipt for Money Collected

Upon payment of any money to him or her and upon request of an individual taxpayer or the taxpayer's agent, the county treasurer shall issue and shall mail, if additionally requested, his or her receipt to the person paying it, setting forth the account upon which it is paid, and, in the case of the payment of taxes, such receipt shall state the valuation of property taxed, the rate of taxation, and the total amount of such taxes.
Source: G.L. § 538. G.S. § 642. L. 1887: p. 234, § 2. R.S. 08: § 1330. C.L. § 8805. CSA: C. 45, § 152. CRS 53: § 35-7-16. C.R.S. 1963: § 35-7-16. L. 2020: Entire section amended, (HB 20-1077), ch. 80, p. 324, § 3, effective September 14.