Colorado Code
Part 4 - County Clerk and Recorder
§ 30-10-417. False Oaths, Perjury

Oaths and affirmations, affidavits, and depositions administered or taken as provided in section 30-10-416 shall subject any person, who falsely swears or affirms to matters material to any issue or point in question, to the penalties provided by law for persons guilty of perjury in the second degree.
Source: G.L. § 426. G.S. § 588. R.S. 08: § 1271. C.L. § 8746. CSA: C. 45, § 93. CRS 53: § 35-4-17. C.R.S. 1963: § 35-4-17. L. 72: p. 557, § 11.
Cross references: For perjury in the second degree, see § 18-8-503.