Colorado Code
Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 30-10-112. Officer to Act Until Successor Qualifies

When the term of office of any sheriff, coroner, county judge, county clerk and recorder, assessor, county treasurer, county surveyor, or other county officer expires, it shall be lawful for such officer, whether reelected or not, and his deputies, to continue to perform all the duties of such office until his successor is duly qualified as required by law.
Source: G.L. § 557. G.S. § 657. R.S. 08: § 1355. C.L. § 8832. CSA: C. 45, § 179. CRS 53: § 35-1-12. C.R.S. 1963: § 35-1-12. L. 64: p. 222, § 48.