Colorado Code
Part 5 - Punitive Article
§ 28-3.1-503. Charges - Offenses Included

An accused may be found guilty of an offense necessarily included in the offense charged or of an attempt to commit either the offense charged or of an offense necessarily included therein, but not both.
Source: L. 83: Entire article added, p. 1185, § 1, effective June 10.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 28 - Military and Veterans

Article 3.1 - Colorado Code of Military Justice

Part 5 - Punitive Article

§ 28-3.1-501. Principal Defined

§ 28-3.1-502. Abetting Offenders

§ 28-3.1-503. Charges - Offenses Included

§ 28-3.1-504. Attempt to Commit Offense

§ 28-3.1-505. Conspiracy to Commit Offense

§ 28-3.1-506. Solicitation

§ 28-3.1-507. Fraudulent Enlistment, Appointment, or Separation

§ 28-3.1-508. Unlawful Enlistment, Appointment, or Separation

§ 28-3.1-509. Desertion

§ 28-3.1-510. Absence Without Leave

§ 28-3.1-511. Missing Movement

§ 28-3.1-512. Contempt Toward Officials

§ 28-3.1-513. Disrespect Toward Superior Commissioned Officer

§ 28-3.1-514. Assaulting or Willfully Disobeying Superior Commissioned Officer

§ 28-3.1-515. Insubordinate Conduct Toward Warrant Officer or Noncommissioned Officer

§ 28-3.1-516. Failure to Obey Order or Regulation

§ 28-3.1-517. Cruelty and Maltreatment of Inferiors

§ 28-3.1-518. Mutiny and Sedition

§ 28-3.1-519. Resisting Arrest - Escape From Custody

§ 28-3.1-520. Unlawful Release of Prisoners

§ 28-3.1-521. Unlawful Detention of Another

§ 28-3.1-522. Noncompliance With Procedural Rules

§ 28-3.1-523. Misbehavior Before the Enemy or Any Hostile Force

§ 28-3.1-524. Subordinate Compelling Surrender

§ 28-3.1-525. Improper Use of Countersign

§ 28-3.1-526. Forcing a Safeguard

§ 28-3.1-527. Captured or Abandoned Property

§ 28-3.1-528. Aiding the Enemy or Any Hostile Force

§ 28-3.1-529. Misconduct of a Prisoner

§ 28-3.1-530. Falsification of Official Documents

§ 28-3.1-531. Military Property - Loss, Damage, Destruction, or Wrongful Disposition

§ 28-3.1-532. Waste, Spoilage, or Destruction of Property Other Than Military

§ 28-3.1-533. Driving While Impaired - Reckless Driving

§ 28-3.1-534. Impaired on Duty - Leaving or Sleeping on Post

§ 28-3.1-535. Malingering

§ 28-3.1-536. Riot - Breach of Peace

§ 28-3.1-537. Provoking or Reproachful Words

§ 28-3.1-538. Larceny and Wrongful Appropriation

§ 28-3.1-539. Robbery

§ 28-3.1-540. Forgery

§ 28-3.1-541. Maiming

§ 28-3.1-542. Arson

§ 28-3.1-543. Extortion

§ 28-3.1-544. Assault

§ 28-3.1-545. Burglary

§ 28-3.1-546. Perjury

§ 28-3.1-547. Frauds Against the Government

§ 28-3.1-548. Conduct Unbecoming an Officer

§ 28-3.1-549. Cognizance of Disreputable Conduct

§ 28-3.1-550. Controlled Substances - Wrongful Use - Possession - Transfer