Colorado Code
Part 1 - General Powers and Duties
§ 25-1.5-109. Food Allergies and Anaphylaxis Form for Schools - Powers and Duties of Department

The department has, in addition to all other powers and duties imposed upon it by law, the duty to develop, maintain, and make available to school districts and institute charter schools a standard form to be used by school districts and institute charter schools to gather information from physicians and parents and guardians of students concerning students' risks of food allergies and anaphylaxis and the treatment thereof. The standard form shall include, at a minimum, fields for gathering the information described in section 22-2-135 (3)(b), C.R.S.
Source: L. 2009: Entire section added with relocations, (SB 09-226), ch. 245, p. 1106, § 6, effective August 5.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2009 act adding this section, see section 1 of chapter 245, Session Laws of Colorado 2009.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 25 - Public Health and Environment

Article 1.5 - Powers and Duties of the Department of Public Health and Environment

Part 1 - General Powers and Duties

§ 25-1.5-101. Powers and Duties of Department - Laboratory Cash Fund - Report - Dispensation of Payments Under Contracts With Grantees - Definitions - Repeal

§ 25-1.5-102. Epidemic and Communicable Diseases - Powers and Duties of Department - Rules - Definitions

§ 25-1.5-103. Health Facilities - Powers and Duties of Department - Limitations on Rules Promulgated by Department - Definitions

§ 25-1.5-104. Regulation of Standards Relating to Food - Powers and Duties of Department

§ 25-1.5-105. Detection of Diseases - Powers and Duties of Department

§ 25-1.5-106. Medical Marijuana Program - Powers and Duties of State Health Agency - Rules - Medical Review Board - Medical Marijuana Program Cash Fund - Subaccount - Created - "Ethan's Law" - Definitions - Repeal

§ 25-1.5-106.5. Medical Marijuana Health Research Grant Program

§ 25-1.5-107. Pandemic Influenza - Purchase of Antiviral Therapy - Definitions

§ 25-1.5-108. Regulation of Dialysis Treatment Clinics - Training for Hemodialysis Technicians - State Board of Health Rules - Definitions - Repeal

§ 25-1.5-108.5. Regulation of Recovery Residences - Definition - Rules

§ 25-1.5-109. Food Allergies and Anaphylaxis Form for Schools - Powers and Duties of Department

§ 25-1.5-110. Monitor Health Effects of Marijuana - Report

§ 25-1.5-111. Suicide Prevention Commission - Created - Responsibilities - Gifts, Grants, Donations - Definition - Repeal

§ 25-1.5-112. Colorado Suicide Prevention Plan - Established - Goals - Responsibilities - Funding - Definition

§ 25-1.5-113. Crisis and Suicide Prevention Training Grant Program - Creation - Process - Reporting Requirements - Fund - Definitions

§ 25-1.5-114. Freestanding Emergency Departments - Licensure - Requirements - Rules - Definitions

§ 25-1.5-115. Opiate Antagonist Bulk Purchase Fund - Creation - Definition - Rules - Report

§ 25-1.5-116. Costs Associated With Living Organ Donation - Definitions

§ 25-1.5-117. Hospitals - Standardized Health Benefit Plan - Participation - Penalties