The governor of the state of Colorado is hereby authorized, upon recommendation of the society and approval of both the state agency having jurisdiction over the same and the county or municipality within which the same are located, to declare by public proclamation that any particular historic and prehistoric or archaeological structures, deposits, sites, and other objects of scientific or historic interest that are situated upon lands owned by the state of Colorado shall be state monuments, and he may designate as a part thereof such state-owned parcels of land as he may deem necessary for the proper access, care, and management of the objects so designated.
Source: L. 73: R&RE, p. 1384, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 131-12-10.
Structure Colorado Code
Article 80 - State History, Archives, and Emblems
Part 4 - Historical, Prehistorical, and Archaeological Resources
§ 24-80-401. Title to Historical, Prehistorical, and Archaeological Resources
§ 24-80-402. Administration of Part 4
§ 24-80-403. Office of State Archaeologist - Purpose
§ 24-80-404. State Archaeologist - Appointment - Qualifications
§ 24-80-405. Objectives and Duties of the State Archaeologist
§ 24-80-408. Properties Not Owned by the State
§ 24-80-409. Penalty - Injunction - Temporary Restraining Order