Every newspaper printed and published daily, or daily except Sundays and legal holidays, or on each of any five days in every week excepting legal holidays and including or excluding Sundays shall be considered and held to be a daily newspaper; every newspaper printed and published at regular intervals three times each week shall be considered and held to be a triweekly newspaper; every newspaper printed and published at regular intervals twice each week shall be considered and held to be a semiweekly newspaper; and every newspaper printed and published at regular intervals once each week shall be considered and held to be a weekly newspaper. No publication, no matter how frequently published, shall be considered a legal publication unless it has been admitted to the United States mails with periodicals mailing privileges.
Source: L. 21: p. 569, § 2. C.L. § 5393. L. 35: p. 687, § 1. CSA: C. 130, § 2. L. 45: p. 449, § 1. CRS 53: § 109-1-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 109-1-2. L. 97: Entire section amended, p. 1021, § 38, effective August 6.
Cross references: For certificates of printers, see § 13-25-114.
Structure Colorado Code
Article 70 - Publication of Legal Notices and Public Printing
Part 1 - Legal Notices - Publication
§ 24-70-102. Legal Publications
§ 24-70-103. Requisites of Legal Newspaper
§ 24-70-105. Proof of Publication
§ 24-70-106. Competency of Newspapers - Publication Periods Construed
§ 24-70-107. Rates for Legal Publications