Colorado Code
Part 2 - State System of Community and Technical Colleges
§ 23-60-206. College Advisory Council

(1.5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, if the plan for Colorado Northwestern community college to join the state system of community and technical colleges is approved and moneys are appropriated therefor as provided in section 23-71-207 and if the Moffat county affiliated junior college district voters approve the ballot measure set forth in section 23-71-207 (1)(b)(II), the initial advisory council for Colorado Northwestern community college shall consist of three members of the Rangely junior college district board of trustees, three members of the Moffat county affiliated junior college district board of control, and one member at large to be appointed by the state board for community colleges and occupational education from the Colorado Northwestern community college designated service area. If the Moffat county affiliated junior college district voters do not approve the ballot measure set forth in section 23-71-207 (1)(b)(II), the provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall apply.

Source: L. 67: p. 441, § 11. C.R.S. 1963: § 124-26-15. L. 85: (2) amended, p. 770, § 28, effective July 1. L. 86: (1) amended and (2) R&RE, pp. 840, 841, §§ 4, 5, effective April 14; (1) amended, p. 845, § 5, effective July 1. L. 98: (1.5) added, p. 902, § 2, effective May 26.
Editor's note: Amendments to subsection (1) in House Bill 86-1133 and House Bill 86-1237 were harmonized.