(I) By October 31, 2022, the working group shall develop performance standards and outcome measures to evaluate the degree to which alleged and adjudicated offenders are in the least restrictive setting with appropriate services. The performance standards and outcome measures must:
(II) The working group shall advise the department of human services concerning policies, procedures, and best practices related to serving youth in the least restrictive setting.
(III) The working group shall review the data provided by the department of human services pursuant to subsection (3)(b) of this section, and provide recommendations:
(A) To enhance the continuum of community-based services and placement options for alleged and adjudicated juvenile offenders, including recommendations to improve availability and quality of less restrictive alternative placements and community-based services for youth;
(B) Regarding any changes to secure detention bed capacity limits and the allocation of detention beds across the state; and
Source: L. 2021: IP(1)(a), (1)(a)(IV), (1)(a)(VIII), (1)(a)(IX), and (1)(b)(I) amended and (1)(a)(X), (1)(a)(XI), (1)(a)(XII), (1)(a)(XIII), (1)(a.5), and (3) added, (SB 21-071), ch. 463, p. 3336, § 7, effective July 6; entire article added with relocations, (SB 21-059), ch. 136, p. 677, § 2, effective October 1.
Structure Colorado Code
Article 2.5 - The Colorado Juvenile Justice System
§ 19-2.5-1401. Responsible Agencies
§ 19-2.5-1402. Juvenile Community Review Board
§ 19-2.5-1403. Division of Youth Services - Community Boards
§ 19-2.5-1405. Working Group - Allocation of Beds
§ 19-2.5-1406. Juvenile Probation Departments or Divisions - Service Agreements
§ 19-2.5-1407. Appropriations to Department of Human Services for Services to Juveniles - Definition
§ 19-2.5-1408. Victim-Offender Conferences - Pilot Program
§ 19-2.5-1410. Community Accountability Program - Legislative Declaration - Creation
§ 19-2.5-1411. Parental Responsibility Training Programs - Criteria
§ 19-2.5-1412. Youth Corrections Monetary Incentives Award Program - Designated Monetary Custodian