Any person who makes any extension of credit in any amount regardless of the loan finance charge with respect to which it is the understanding of the creditor and the debtor at the time it is made that delay in making repayment or failure to make repayment will result in the use of extortionate means of collection is guilty of extortionate extension of credit, which is a class 4 felony.
Source: L. 72: p. 289, § 3. C.R.S. 1963: § 40-15-102.
Structure Colorado Code
Article 15 - Offenses - Making, Financing, or Collection of Loans
§ 18-15-102. Extortionate Extension of Credit - Penalty
§ 18-15-103. Presumption That Extension of Credit Is Extortionate
§ 18-15-104. Engaging in Criminal Usury
§ 18-15-105. Financing Extortionate Extensions of Credit
§ 18-15-106. Financing Criminal Usury
§ 18-15-107. Collection of Extensions of Credit by Extortionate Means
§ 18-15-108. Possession or Concealment of Records of Criminal Usury