Colorado Code
Article 10 - Uniform Dissolution of Marriage Act
§ 14-10-105. Application of Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure

(2.5) A proceeding for dissolution of a civil union, legal separation, or declaration of invalidity of a civil union shall be entitled "In re the Civil Union of ........ and ........".

Source: L. 71: R&RE, p. 521, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 46-1-5. L. 98: (2) amended, p. 1395, § 33, effective February 1, 1999. L. 2013: (2.5) added, (SB 13-011), ch. 49, p. 163, § 13, effective May 1.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 14 - Domestic Matters

Article 10 - Uniform Dissolution of Marriage Act

§ 14-10-101. Short Title

§ 14-10-102. Purposes - Rules of Construction

§ 14-10-103. Definitions and Interpretation of Terms

§ 14-10-104. Uniformity of Application and Construction

§ 14-10-104.5. Legislative Declaration

§ 14-10-105. Application of Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure

§ 14-10-106. Dissolution of Marriage - Legal Separation

§ 14-10-106.5. Dissolution of Civil Unions - Legal Separation - Jurisdiction - Applicability of Article and Case Law

§ 14-10-107. Commencement - Pleadings - Abolition of Existing Defenses - Automatic, Temporary Injunction - Enforcement

§ 14-10-107.5. Entry of Appearance and Notice of Withdrawal by Delegate Child Support Enforcement Unit

§ 14-10-107.7. Required Notice of Involvement With State Department of Human Services

§ 14-10-107.8. Required Notice of Prior Restraining, Civil Protection, or Emergency Protection Orders to Prevent Domestic Abuse - Petitions for Dissolution of Marriage or Legal Separation

§ 14-10-108. Temporary Orders in a Dissolution Case

§ 14-10-109. Enforcement of Protection Orders

§ 14-10-110. Irretrievable Breakdown

§ 14-10-111. Declaration of Invalidity

§ 14-10-112. Separation Agreement

§ 14-10-113. Disposition of Property - Definitions

§ 14-10-114. Spousal Maintenance - Advisory Guidelines - Legislative Declaration - Definitions

§ 14-10-115. Child Support Guidelines - Purpose - Determination of Income - Schedule of Basic Child Support Obligations - Adjustments to Basic Child Support - Additional Guidelines - Child Support Commission - Definitions

§ 14-10-116. Appointment in Domestic Relations Cases - Representation of the Best Interests of the Child - Legal Representative of the Child - Disclosure - Short Title

§ 14-10-116.5. Appointment in Domestic Relations Cases - Child and Family Investigator - Disclosure - Background Check

§ 14-10-117. Payment of Maintenance or Child Support

§ 14-10-118. Enforcement of Orders

§ 14-10-119. Attorney's Fees

§ 14-10-120. Decree

§ 14-10-120.2. Ex-Parte Request for Restoration of Prior Name of Party

§ 14-10-120.3. Dissolution of Marriage or Legal Separation Upon Affidavit - Requirements

§ 14-10-120.5. Petition - Fee - Assessment - Displaced Homemakers Fund

§ 14-10-121. Independence of Provisions of Decree or Temporary Order

§ 14-10-122. Modification and Termination of Provisions for Maintenance, Support, and Property Disposition - Automatic Lien - Definitions

§ 14-10-123. Commencement of Proceedings Concerning Allocation of Parental Responsibilities - Jurisdiction - Automatic Temporary Injunction - Enforcement - Definitions

§ 14-10-123.3. Requests for Parental Responsibility for a Child by Grandparents

§ 14-10-123.4. Rights of Children in Matters Relating to Parental Responsibilities

§ 14-10-123.6. Required Notice of Prior Restraining Orders to Prevent Domestic Abuse - Proceedings Concerning Parental Responsibilities Relating to a Child - Resources for Family Services

§ 14-10-123.7. Parental Education - Legislative Declaration

§ 14-10-123.8. Access to Records

§ 14-10-124. Best Interests of the Child

§ 14-10-125. Temporary Orders

§ 14-10-126. Interviews

§ 14-10-127. Evaluation and Reports - Training and Qualifications of Evaluators - Disclosure

§ 14-10-128. Hearings

§ 14-10-128.1. Appointment of Parenting Coordinator - Disclosure

§ 14-10-128.3. Appointment of Decision-Maker - Disclosure

§ 14-10-128.5. Appointment of Arbitrator - De Novo Hearing of Award

§ 14-10-129. Modification of Parenting Time

§ 14-10-129.5. Disputes Concerning Parenting Time

§ 14-10-130. Judicial Supervision

§ 14-10-131. Modification of Custody or Decision-Making Responsibility

§ 14-10-131.7. Designation of Custody for the Purpose of Other State and Federal Statutes

§ 14-10-131.8. Construction of 1999 Revisions

§ 14-10-132. Affidavit Practice

§ 14-10-133. Effective Date - Applicability