Colorado Code
Part 5 - Electronic Voting Equipment
§ 1-7-511. Election Software - Voting Equipment Providers - Escrow - Definitions

(1) When a voting system provider submits an electronic or electromechanical voting system for certification pursuant to part 6 of article 5 of this title, the voting system provider shall place in escrow with the secretary of state or an independent escrow agent approved by the secretary of state one copy of the election software being certified and supporting documentation. The voting system provider shall place in escrow any subsequent changes to the escrowed election software or supporting documentation.
(2) An officer of the voting system provider with legal authority to bind the voting system provider shall sign a sworn affidavit that the election software in escrow is the same as the election software being used in its voting systems in this state. The officer shall ensure that the statement is true on a continuing basis.
(3) As an additional requirement for certification, the voting system provider shall deposit one copy of the election software with the national software reference library at the national institute of standards and technology.
(4) The secretary of state shall promulgate rules in accordance with article 4 of title 24, C.R.S., prescribing the manner and procedures that voting system providers shall follow to comply with this section.
(5) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires, "election software" means the software to be installed or residing on election equipment firmware or on election management computers that controls election setup, vote recording, vote tabulation, and reporting.
(6) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, election software and supporting documentation placed in escrow in accordance with this section shall not be public records for purposes of article 72 of title 24, C.R.S.
Source: L. 2005: Entire section added, p. 1407, § 27, effective June 6; entire section added, p. 1442, § 27, effective June 6.