Code of Virginia
Chapter 8 - Process
§ 8.01-319. Publication of interim notice

A. In any case in which a nonresident party or party originally served by publication has been served as provided by law, and notice of further proceedings in the case is required but no method of service thereof is prescribed either by statute or by order or rule of court, such notice may be served by publication thereof once each week for two successive weeks in a newspaper published or circulated in the city or county in which the original proceedings are pending. If the original proceedings were instituted by order of publication, then the publication of such notice of additional or further proceedings shall be made in the same newspaper. A party, who appears pro se in an action, shall file with the clerk of the court in which the action is pending a written statement of his place of residence and mailing address, and shall inform the clerk in writing of any changes of residence and mailing address during the pendency of the action. The clerk and all parties to the action may rely on the last written statement filed as aforesaid. The court in which the action is pending may dispense with such notice for failure of the party to file the statement herein provided for or may require notice to be given in such manner as the court may determine.
B. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in paragraph A hereof, depositions may be taken, testimony heard and orders and decrees entered without an order of publication, when the defendant has been legally served with or has accepted service of process to commence a suit for divorce or for annulling or affirming a marriage, and he or she or the plaintiff:
1. Shall thereafter become a nonresident; or
2. Shall remove from the county or city in which the suit is pending, if a resident thereof, or in which he or she resided at the time of the institution of the suit, or was served with process, without having filed with the clerk of the court where the suit is pending a written statement of his or her intended future place of residence, and a like statement of subsequent changes of residence; or
3. When after such written statement has been filed with the clerk, notice shall have been served upon him or her at the last place of residence given in the written statement as provided by law; or
4. Could not be found by the sheriff of the county or city for the service of the notice, and the party sending the service makes affidavit that he has used due diligence to find the adverse party without success. If such absent party has an attorney of record in such suit, notice shall be served on such attorney, as provided by § 8.01-314.
C. This section shall not apply to orders of publication in condemnation actions.
Code 1950, § 8-76; 1950, p. 68; 1954, c. 333; 1960, c. 16; 1970, cc. 241, 279; 1977, c. 617; 1978, c. 676; 1979, c. 464; 1982, c. 384.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 8.01 - Civil Remedies and Procedure

Chapter 8 - Process

§ 8.01-285. Definition of certain terms for purposes of this chapter; process, return, statutory agent

§ 8.01-286. Forms of writs

§ 8.01-286.1. Service of process; waiver, duty to save costs, request to waive, how served

§ 8.01-287. How process to be served

§ 8.01-288. Process received in time good though neither served nor accepted

§ 8.01-289. No service of process on Sunday; exceptions

§ 8.01-290. Plaintiffs required to furnish full name and last known address of defendants, etc.

§ 8.01-291. Copies to be made

§ 8.01-292. To whom process directed and where executed

§ 8.01-293. Authorization to serve process, capias or show cause order; execute writ of possession or eviction and levy upon property

§ 8.01-294. Sheriff to get from clerk's office process and other papers; return of papers; effect of late return

§ 8.01-295. Territorial limits within which sheriff may serve process in his official capacity; process appearing to be duly served

§ 8.01-296. Manner of serving process upon natural persons

§ 8.01-297. Process on convict defendant

§ 8.01-298. How summons for witness or juror served

§ 8.01-299. How process served on domestic corporations and limited liability companies generally

§ 8.01-300. How process served on municipal and county governments and on quasi-governmental entities

§ 8.01-301. How process served on foreign corporations generally

§ 8.01-302. Repealed

§ 8.01-303. On whom process served when corporation operated by trustee or receiver

§ 8.01-304. How process served on copartner or partnership

§ 8.01-305. Process against unincorporated associations or orders, or unincorporated common carriers

§ 8.01-306. Process against unincorporated associations or orders, or unincorporated common carriers; principal office outside Virginia and business transactions in Virginia

§ 8.01-307. Definition of terms "motor vehicle" and "nonresident" in motor vehicle and aircraft accident cases

§ 8.01-308. Service on Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles as agent for nonresident motor vehicle operator

§ 8.01-309. Service on Secretary of Commonwealth as agent of nonresident operator or owner of aircraft

§ 8.01-310. How service made on Commissioner and Secretary; appointment binding

§ 8.01-311. Continuance of action where service made on Commissioner or Secretary

§ 8.01-312. Effect of service on statutory agent; duties of such agent

§ 8.01-313. Specific addresses for mailing by statutory agent

§ 8.01-314. Service on attorney after entry of general appearance by such attorney

§ 8.01-315. Notice to be mailed defendant when service accepted by another

§ 8.01-316. Service by publication; when available

§ 8.01-317. What order of publication to state; how published; when publication in newspaper dispensed with; electronic notice

§ 8.01-318. Within what time after publication case tried or heard; no subsequent publication required

§ 8.01-319. Publication of interim notice

§ 8.01-320. Personal service outside of Virginia

§ 8.01-321. Orders of publication in proceedings to enforce liens for taxes assessed upon real estate

§ 8.01-322. Within what time case reheard on petition of party served by publication, and any injustice corrected

§ 8.01-323. In what counties city newspapers deemed published for purpose of legal advertisements

§ 8.01-324. Newspapers that may be used for legal notices and publications

§ 8.01-325. Return by person serving process

§ 8.01-326. Return as proof of service

§ 8.01-326.1. Service of process or notice on statutory agent; copy to be sent to defendant and certificate filed with court; effective date of service

§ 8.01-327. Acceptance of service of process

§ 8.01-327.1. Definition of "arrest under civil process."

§ 8.01-327.2. Who are privileged from arrest under civil process