Code of Virginia
Chapter 2 - Care of Children Committed to Department
§ 66-25.1. Work programs

A. The Director or his designee may enter into an agreement with a public or private entity for the operation of a work program for juveniles committed to the Department.
B. The primary purpose of such work program shall be the training of such juveniles, not the production of goods or the rendering of service by juveniles committed to the Department. Such work programs also shall not interfere with or impact a juvenile's education program where the goal is achieving a high school diploma or its equivalent. The Board shall promulgate regulations governing the form and review process for proposed agreements.
C. Articles produced or manufactured and services provided by juveniles participating in such a work program may be purchased by any county, by any district of any county, city, or town and by any nonprofit organization, including volunteer emergency medical services agencies, fire departments, sheltered workshops and community service organizations. Such articles and services may also be bought, sold or acquired by exchange on the open market through the participating public or private entity.
D. Revenues received from the sale of articles, as provided in subsection C, shall be deposited into a special fund established in the state treasury. Such funds shall be expended to support work programs for juveniles committed to the Department.
1993, cc. 460, 487; 1997, c. 639; 2011, c. 551; 2012, cc. 803, 835; 2015, cc. 502, 503.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 66 - Juvenile Justice

Chapter 2 - Care of Children Committed to Department

§ 66-13. Authority of Department as to juveniles committed to it; establishment of facilities; arrangements for temporary care

§ 66-13.1. Division of Education; employment of Superintendent; powers and duties

§ 66-14. Allowance for maintenance of children placed by Commonwealth in private homes, etc.

§ 66-15. Schedules of per diem cost of maintenance in detention homes; reimbursements of cities and counties

§ 66-16. Acceptance and expenditure of certain funds for children committed to Department

§ 66-17. Disposition of property left by child

§ 66-18. Examination and placing of such children

§ 66-19. Behavioral services unit; director and personnel; examination of children

§ 66-20. Observation and treatment of children with mental illness or developmental disabilities

§ 66-21. Superintendents and agents of facilities to have powers of sheriff

§ 66-22. Daily and additional allowance to children

§ 66-22.1. Establishment of stores in juvenile correctional facilities

§ 66-23. Authority of superintendents with regard to application for operator's licenses and employment certificates

§ 66-24. Community group homes and other residential facilities for certain juveniles; licensure; personnel; summary suspension under certain circumstances; penalty

§ 66-25. Collection of information concerning religious preferences by correctional facilities

§ 66-25.1. Work programs

§ 66-25.1:1. Juvenile academic and career training

§ 66-25.1:2. Career training and technical education programs

§ 66-25.1:3. Extending limits of confinement of state wards for work and educational programs; disposition of wages; penalties for violations

§ 66-25.1:4. Work release furlough

§ 66-25.2. Notice to be given prior to release of serious offenders

§ 66-25.2:1. Director; notice to school superintendent prior to release of certain offenders