Code of Virginia
Chapter 8 - Insurance and Self-Insurance
§ 65.2-804. Evidence of compliance with title; notices of cancellation of insurance

A. 1. Each employer subject to this title shall file with the Workers' Compensation Commission, in form prescribed by it, annually or as often as may be necessary, evidence of his compliance with the provisions of § 65.2-801 and all others relating thereto; however, if the employer secures his liability under this title pursuant to subdivision A 1 of § 65.2-801 then the insurance carrier shall make a filing on behalf of the employer, and such filing shall be made electronically in the form as prescribed and to the agent as designated by the Commission, within 30 days of the inception of the policy. Evidence of an employer's compliance with the provisions of subdivision A 1 of § 65.2-801 shall be deemed to satisfy such provisions if it includes the name and address of the insured, the insured's federal employer identification number, his policy number, dates of insurance coverage, the name and address of his insurer, and the insurer's identification number. Every employer who has complied with the foregoing provision and has subsequently cancelled his insurance or his membership in a licensed group self-insurance association shall immediately notify the Workers' Compensation Commission of such cancellation, the date thereof and the reasons therefor. Every insurance carrier or group self-insurance association shall in like manner notify the Workers' Compensation Commission immediately upon the cancellation of any policy issued by it or any membership agreement, whichever is applicable, under the provisions of this title, except that a carrier or group self-insurance association need not set forth its reasons for cancellation unless requested by the Workers' Compensation Commission.
2. Every employer who cancels his insurance or his membership in a licensed group self-insurance association shall, prior to cancelling his insurance or his membership, give 30 days' written notice to his employees covered. Every employer who receives the notice required under subsection B of this section shall immediately forward a copy to his employees covered. Where the employer is a mine owner or operator, the notice or copy of notice required to be given by this subsection shall also be given to the Chief Mine Inspector. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply with respect to a cancellation incident to a change of insurance or membership where no lapse of coverage occurs.
B. No policy of insurance hereafter issued under the provisions of this title, nor any membership agreement in a group self-insurance association, shall be cancelled or nonrenewed by the insurer issuing such policy or by the group self-insurance association cancelling or nonrenewing such membership, except on 30 days' notice to the employer and the Workers' Compensation Commission, unless the employer has obtained other insurance and the Workers' Compensation Commission is notified of that fact by the insurer assuming the risk, or unless, in the event of cancellation, said cancellation is for nonpayment of premiums; then 10 days' notice shall be given the employer and the Workers' Compensation Commission.
C. The Commission may designate an agent for receipt of any notices required to be given to it pursuant to this section.
Code 1950, § 65-101; 1956, c. 467; 1968, c. 660, § 65.1-105; 1970, c. 470; 1979, c. 463; 1982, c. 383; 1991, c. 355; 1993, c. 725; 2002, c. 812; 2009, c. 150; 2010, cc. 282, 376; 2018, c. 260.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 65.2 - Workers' Compensation

Chapter 8 - Insurance and Self-Insurance

§ 65.2-800. Duty to insure payment of compensation; effect of insurance

§ 65.2-801. Insurance or proof of financial ability to pay required

§ 65.2-802. Requirements for licensure as group self-insurance association; annual assessment

§ 65.2-803. Administrator and service company affiliation prohibited; exception

§ 65.2-803.1. Requirements for registration as professional employer organization; annual assessment

§ 65.2-804. Evidence of compliance with title; notices of cancellation of insurance

§ 65.2-805. Civil penalty for violation of §§ 65.2-800, 65.2-803.1, and 65.2-804

§ 65.2-806. Criminal penalties

§ 65.2-807. Cost of insurance may not be deducted from wages

§ 65.2-808. Self-insurance certificate

§ 65.2-809. Constructive notice to, jurisdiction of, and awards, etc., binding upon insurer

§ 65.2-810. How formal notice may be given

§ 65.2-811. Liability of insurer

§ 65.2-812. Subrogation of insurance carrier to employer's rights; compromise

§ 65.2-813. Insurance deemed subject to title; approval of forms

§ 65.2-813.1. Insurers offering policies with deductibles

§ 65.2-813.2. Premium discounts; drug-free workplace programs

§ 65.2-814. Insurer to furnish written evidence of coverage on request

§ 65.2-815. Group self-insurance association required to furnish written evidence of membership

§ 65.2-816. Title not applicable to boiler, etc., insurance

§ 65.2-817. Rates; cooperation between State Corporation Commission and Workers' Compensation Commission

§ 65.2-818. Minimum standards of service for insurers

§ 65.2-819. Penalty for violation of certain provisions

§ 65.2-820. Application to State Corporation Commission for assignment of risk; insurer assigned risk to issue policy

§ 65.2-821. State Corporation Commission to make rules and regulations, and establish rating schedules and rates

§ 65.2-821.1. Payment and reimbursement practices; prohibitions

§ 65.2-822. Action by State Corporation Commission upon application

§ 65.2-823. Information filed with State Corporation Commission by insurance carrier to be confidential; exception

§ 65.2-824. Disclosures not required of State Corporation Commission; liability for acts or omissions