Code of Virginia
Chapter 7 - Water-Power Development, Conservation of Hydroelectric Power Dams and Works
§ 62.1-86. Notice of hearing on application

As soon as practicable after the filing with the State Corporation Commission of any application for a license under the provisions of this chapter, the Commission shall set a day for a public hearing upon such application, and the applicant shall give notice to the public of the application, in form to be prescribed or approved by the Commission, by publication once in each week for four successive weeks prior to such hearing in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation published in the city or county wherein the proposed construction, or the greater part thereof, is to be made and any adjoining or connecting county or city affected and every other county downstream from such development through which the stream runs to its mouth, if there be such newspaper, and, if there be no such newspaper, then by publishing the same in a newspaper of general circulation in such county or counties or cities affected. In such notice the date fixed by the Commission for the public hearing on the application shall be stated.
Code 1950, § 62-74; 1968, c. 659.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 62.1 - Waters of the State, Ports and Harbors

Chapter 7 - Water-Power Development, Conservation of Hydroelectric Power Dams and Works

§ 62.1-80. Declaration of public policy

§ 62.1-80.1. Applicability of chapter

§ 62.1-81. "Waters of the Commonwealth" defined

§ 62.1-82. Control and regulation by State Corporation Commission; existing rights of riparian owners

§ 62.1-83. Dams across waters of Commonwealth

§ 62.1-84. What "dam" includes

§ 62.1-85. License required to construct dam; application

§ 62.1-86. Notice of hearing on application

§ 62.1-87. Proceedings at hearing

§ 62.1-88. Determination and investigation by Commission

§ 62.1-89. When license granted

§ 62.1-90. Rejection of application; requiring applicant to modify plans

§ 62.1-91. Terms and conditions of license; preventing obstruction of navigation or flow; dams across navigable waters of United States

§ 62.1-92. Priority of location or appropriation; notice to owners of existing developments

§ 62.1-93. Time limits on construction of proposed dam and works

§ 62.1-94. Duration of licenses; acquisition of developments by Commonwealth

§ 62.1-95. Value of license not to be estimated in valuation for rate making, etc.; intangible water-power value

§ 62.1-96. Transfer or assignment of license

§ 62.1-97. Proceedings on violation of terms of license or of provisions of chapter or regulations

§ 62.1-98. Right of eminent domain of public service corporations

§ 62.1-99. Water-power developments constructed or acquired prior to certain date

§ 62.1-100. Rules of Commission; reports; employment of experts, etc.

§ 62.1-101. Licenses not affected by alteration, amendment or repeal of chapter

§ 62.1-102. Alteration or amendment of license

§ 62.1-103. Jurisdiction of United States