Code of Virginia
Chapter 25 - Ground Water Management Act of 1992
§ 62.1-262. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 100) Permits for other ground water withdrawals

Any application for a ground water withdrawal permit, except as provided in §§ 62.1-260 and 62.1-261 and subsection H of § 62.1-266, shall include a water conservation and management plan approved by the Board. A water conservation and management plan shall include: (i) use of water-saving plumbing and processes including, where appropriate, use of water-saving fixtures in new and renovated plumbing as provided under the Uniform Statewide Building Code; (ii) a water-loss reduction program; (iii) a water-use education program; and (iv) mandatory reductions during water-shortage emergencies including, where appropriate, ordinances prohibiting waste of water generally and providing for mandatory water-use restrictions, with penalties, during water-shortage emergencies. The Board shall approve all water conservation plans in compliance with clauses (i) through (iv).
1992, c. 812; 2020, c. 670.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 62.1 - Waters of the State, Ports and Harbors

Chapter 25 - Ground Water Management Act of 1992

§ 62.1-254. Findings and purpose

§ 62.1-255. Definitions

§ 62.1-255.1. Certified mail; subsequent mail or notices may be sent by regular mail

§ 62.1-256. Duties of Board

§ 62.1-256.1. Expired

§ 62.1-256.2. (Expires July 1, 2025) Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Advisory Committee established; sunset

§ 62.1-257. When Board may initiate a ground water management area study proceeding; hearing required

§ 62.1-258. Use of ground water in ground water management area; registration of well construction required

§ 62.1-258.1. Irrigation wells for nonagricultural use prohibited; exceptions

§ 62.1-259. Certain withdrawals; permit not required

§ 62.1-259.1. Certain withdrawals; technical evaluation required

§ 62.1-260. Permits for existing ground water withdrawals in existing ground water management areas

§ 62.1-261. Permits for existing ground water withdrawals in newly established ground water management areas

§ 62.1-262. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 100) Permits for other ground water withdrawals

§ 62.1-262.1. Permits for withdrawals from Eastern Shore Groundwater Management Area

§ 62.1-262. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 100) Permits for other ground water withdrawals

§ 62.1-263. Criteria for issuance of permits

§ 62.1-263.1. Permit rationale

§ 62.1-264. Permits for public water supplies

§ 62.1-265. Drought relief wells

§ 62.1-266. Ground water withdrawal permits

§ 62.1-267. Issuance of special exceptions

§ 62.1-268. Issuance of special orders

§ 62.1-269. Enforcement by injunction, etc.

§ 62.1-270. Penalties