Code of Virginia
Chapter 21 - Virginia Resources Authority
§ 62.1-209. Provisions of resolution or trust indenture authorizing issuance of bonds

A. Bonds may be secured by a trust indenture between the Authority and a corporate trustee, which may be any bank having the power of a trust company or any trust company within or without the Commonwealth. A trust indenture may contain provisions for protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondholders that are reasonable and proper and not in violation of law, including covenants setting forth the duties of the Authority in relation to the exercise of its powers and the custody, safekeeping and application of all money. The Authority may provide by the trust indenture for the payment of the proceeds of the bonds and all or any part of the revenues of the Authority to the trustee under the trust indenture or to some other depository, and for the method of their disbursement with whatever safeguards and restrictions as the Authority specifies. All expenses incurred in carrying out the trust indenture may be treated as part of the operating expenses of the Authority.
B. Any resolution or trust indenture pursuant to which bonds are issued may contain provisions, which shall be part of the contract or contracts with the holders of such bonds as to:
1. Pledging all or any part of the revenue of the Authority to secure the payment of the bonds, subject to any agreements with bondholders that then exist;
2. Pledging all or any part of the assets of, or funds under control of the Authority, including local obligations owned by the Authority, to secure the payment of the bonds, subject to any agreements with bondholders that then exist;
3. The use and disposition of the gross income from, and payment of the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on local obligations owned by the Authority;
4. The establishment of reserves, sinking funds and other funds and accounts and the regulation and disposition thereof;
5. Limitations on the purposes to which the proceeds from the sale of the bonds may be applied, and limitations pledging the proceeds to secure the payment of the bonds;
6. Limitations on the issuance of additional bonds, the terms on which additional bonds may be issued and secured, and the refunding of outstanding or other bonds;
7. The procedure, if any, by which the terms of any contract with bondholders may be amended or abrogated, the amount of bonds, if any, the holders of which must consent thereto, and the manner in which any consent may be given;
8. Limitations on the amount of money to be expended by the Authority for operating expenses of the Authority;
9. Vesting in a trustee or trustees any property, rights, powers and duties in trust that the Authority may determine, and limiting or abrogating the right of bondholders to appoint a trustee or limit the rights, powers and duties of the trustees;
10. Defining the acts or omissions which shall constitute a default, the obligations or duties of the Authority to the holders of the bonds, and the rights and remedies of the holders of the bonds in the event of default, including as a matter of right the appointment of a receiver; these rights and remedies may include the general laws of the Commonwealth and other provisions of this chapter;
11. Requiring the Authority or the trustees under the trust indenture to file a petition with the Governor and to take any and all other actions required under § 15.2-2659 or 62.1-216.1 to obtain payment of all unpaid sums on local obligations owned by the Authority or held by a trustee to which § 15.2-2659 or § 62.1-216.1 shall be applicable; and
12. Any other matter, of like or different character, relating to the terms of the bonds or the security or protection of the holders of the bonds.
1984, c. 699; 1986, c. 415; 1997, c. 319; 1998, c. 399; 2003, c. 561; 2011, c. 616.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 62.1 - Waters of the State, Ports and Harbors

Chapter 21 - Virginia Resources Authority

§ 62.1-197. Short title

§ 62.1-198. Legislative findings and purposes

§ 62.1-199. Definitions

§ 62.1-200. Creation of Authority

§ 62.1-201. Board of Directors

§ 62.1-202. Appointment and duties of Executive Director

§ 62.1-203. Powers of Authority

§ 62.1-204. Power to borrow money and issue bonds and credit enhancements

§ 62.1-205. Power to issue refunding bonds

§ 62.1-206. Sources of payment and security for bonds and credit enhancements

§ 62.1-207. Liability of Commonwealth, political subdivisions and members of board of directors

§ 62.1-208. Authorization, content and sale of bonds and credit enhancements

§ 62.1-209. Provisions of resolution or trust indenture authorizing issuance of bonds

§ 62.1-210. Pledge by Authority

§ 62.1-211. Purchase of bonds by Authority

§ 62.1-212. Bonds as negotiable instruments

§ 62.1-213. Validity of signatures of prior members or officers

§ 62.1-214. Bondholder protection

§ 62.1-215. Establishment of capital reserve funds

§ 62.1-216. Purchase and credit enhancements of local obligations

§ 62.1-216.1. Investigation by Governor of nonpayments; withholding state funds from nonpaying locality; payment of funds withheld; receipts, reports, etc.

§ 62.1-217. Grants from Commonwealth

§ 62.1-218. Grants to local governments

§ 62.1-219. Exemption from taxation

§ 62.1-220. Bonds as legal investments and securities

§ 62.1-221. Deposit of money; expenditures; security for deposits

§ 62.1-222. Annual reports; audit

§ 62.1-223. Liberal construction of chapter