Code of Virginia
Chapter 10 - Virginia Port Authority
§ 62.1-129. Board of Commissioners; members and officers; Executive Director; agents and employees

A. All powers, rights, and duties conferred by this chapter, or other provisions of law, upon the Authority shall be exercised by the Board of Commissioners of the Virginia Port Authority, hereinafter referred to as the Board or Board of Commissioners. The Board shall consist of the State Treasurer, the Chief Executive Officer of the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, the Chief Executive Officer of the Virginia International Trade Corporation, and 11 members appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. The terms of members of the Board of Commissioners appointed or reappointed by the Governor on or after January 1, 1981, shall be for five years. Any appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the unexpired term. Members of the Board shall receive their expenses and shall be compensated at the rate provided in § 2.2-2813 for each day spent on business of the Board. No member appointed by the Governor shall be eligible to serve more than two successive terms. A person appointed to fill a vacancy may be appointed to serve two additional terms. Beginning with those members of the Board of Commissioners appointed or reappointed by the Governor on or after January 1, 1981: (i) appointments shall be made by the Governor in such a manner as to ensure the widest possible geographical representation of all parts of the Commonwealth, and (ii) no resident of the Cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, or Virginia Beach shall be eligible for appointment or reappointment to the Board of Commissioners if his appointment or reappointment would increase or maintain the number of members of the Board of Commissioners residing in such cities above the number of five. One of the members appointed or reappointed from the cities previously mentioned in this section shall be a resident of the City of Portsmouth or the City of Chesapeake, one of the members appointed or reappointed shall be a resident of the City of Norfolk or the City of Virginia Beach, one of the members appointed or reappointed shall be a resident of the City of Newport News or the City of Hampton, one of the members appointed or reappointed shall be a resident of Greater Hampton Roads, and one of the members appointed or reappointed shall be a resident of Greater Hampton Roads, but not a resident of any of the above-mentioned cities. Additionally, one member shall be appointed from the City of Richmond or the County of Chesterfield, Hanover, or Henrico to serve as a member representing the Port of Richmond, and one member shall be appointed from the City of Winchester or the County of Clarke, Frederick, or Warren to serve as a member representing the Virginia Inland Port. Of the members appointed by the Governor, all members shall have executive level experience in any of the following industries: agriculture, distribution and warehousing, manufacturing, logistics and transportation, mining, marketing, legal, financial, or transportation infrastructure. In addition, the Governor shall appoint at least one member with maritime shipping experience from a list of at least three nominees provided by the Virginia Maritime Association, who shall not be a paid member of the Virginia Maritime Association or have any other conflict of interest with the Virginia Port Authority.
The Board shall elect from its membership a chairman and vice-chairman and may also elect from its membership, or appoint from its staff, a secretary and treasurer and prescribe their powers and duties.
The Board of Commissioners shall appoint the chief executive officer of the Authority, who shall not be a member of the Board, who shall be known as the Executive Director and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Executive Director's compensation from the Commonwealth shall be fixed by the Board in accordance with law. This compensation shall be established at a level which will enable the Authority to attract and retain a capable Executive Director.
The Board may also appoint from the staff an assistant secretary and an assistant treasurer, who shall, in addition to other duties, discharge such functions of the secretary and treasurer, respectively, as may be directed by the Board.
B. The Board may, at its discretion and from time to time, also form a Maritime Advisory Council, consisting of representatives from the maritime industry, to provide advice and counsel to the Board of Commissioners on all matters associated with the Authority with the exception of the annual budget and personnel matters.
Code 1950, § 62-106.2; 1952, c. 61; 1954, c. 667; 1956, c. 207; 1958, c. 174; 1968, c. 659; 1970, c. 171; 1978, c. 655; 1980, c. 728; 1981, c. 589; 1983, cc. 218, 298, 338; 1987, c. 688; 2012, cc. 846, 849; 2013, cc. 762, 794; 2014, c. 424; 2016, c. 749; 2017, cc. 801, 818.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 62.1 - Waters of the State, Ports and Harbors

Chapter 10 - Virginia Port Authority

§ 62.1-128. Authority created

§ 62.1-129. Board of Commissioners; members and officers; Executive Director; agents and employees

§ 62.1-129.1. Employees; employment; personnel rules; health insurance; retirement plans

§ 62.1-129.2. Trust for postemployment benefits authorized; administration

§ 62.1-130. Powers and duties of Executive Director

§ 62.1-131. Office and branch offices; title to property

§ 62.1-132. Local authorities subordinate to Authority

§ 62.1-132.1. General powers

§ 62.1-132.2. Bylaws and organization

§ 62.1-132.3. Stimulation of commerce

§ 62.1-132.3:1. Port Opportunity Fund

§ 62.1-132.3:2. Port of Virginia Economic and Infrastructure Development Grant Fund and Program

§ 62.1-132.3:3. Virginia Waterway Maintenance Fund

§ 62.1-132.3:4. Virginia Waterway Maintenance Grant Program

§ 62.1-132.4. Rates and rate structures

§ 62.1-132.5. Planning

§ 62.1-132.6. Powers not restrictive; exemptions from Public Procurement Act and the Virginia Personnel Act

§ 62.1-132.7. Employment of personnel and legal counsel

§ 62.1-132.8. Consolidation of terminal operations

§ 62.1-132.9. Foreign trade zones

§ 62.1-132.10. Publications of Authority

§ 62.1-132.11. Police powers; penalties

§ 62.1-132.11:1. Prevention and suppression of fire

§ 62.1-132.11:2. Repealed

§ 62.1-132.12. Employment, jurisdiction, and power of special police officers

§ 62.1-132.12:1. Agreements with private terminal operators

§ 62.1-132.13. Cooperation with federal agencies

§ 62.1-132.14. Agreement of local cooperation with Corps of Engineers

§ 62.1-132.15. Grants and loans from federal agencies

§ 62.1-132.16. Fees and charges

§ 62.1-132.17. Grants of funds and property

§ 62.1-132.18. Acquisition of property

§ 62.1-132.19. Acquisition and lease of property

§ 62.1-132.20. Craney Island Disposal Area

§ 62.1-133. Repealed

§ 62.1-134.1. Expediting shipment of coal

§ 62.1-135. Repealed

§ 62.1-136. Power of eminent domain

§ 62.1-137. Repealed

§ 62.1-138. Powers of State Corporation Commission not affected

§ 62.1-139. Forms of accounts and records; annual report

§ 62.1-140. Definitions; bond resolution; form and requisites of bonds; sale and disposition of proceeds; temporary bonds

§ 62.1-141. Trust agreement securing bonds; provisions of agreement or bond resolution; depository of proceeds or revenues; expenses

§ 62.1-142. Charges for use of port facilities; sinking fund created from revenues for payment of bonds

§ 62.1-143. Proceeds of bonds and revenues held in trust for certain purposes

§ 62.1-144. Remedies of bondholders and trustee

§ 62.1-145. Exercise of powers constitutes governmental functions; exemption from taxation

§ 62.1-146. Bonds as legal investments

§ 62.1-147. Bonds not debt or pledge of credit of Commonwealth or political subdivision; payment of expenses

§ 62.1-147.1. Legalization of prior actions

§ 62.1-147.1:1. Exemption of Authority from certain technology procedures

§ 62.1-147.2. Chapter liberally construed