Code of Virginia
Chapter 37 - License Taxes
§ 58.1-3732. Exclusions and deductions from "gross receipts."

A. Gross receipts for license tax purposes shall not include any amount not derived from the exercise of the licensed privilege to engage in a business or profession in the ordinary course of business.
The following items are excluded:
1. Amounts received and paid to the United States, the Commonwealth or any county, city or town for the Virginia retail sales or use tax, for any local sales tax or any local excise tax on cigarettes, or amounts received for any federal or state excise taxes on motor fuels.
2. Any amount representing the liquidation of a debt or conversion of another asset to the extent that the amount is attributable to a transaction previously taxed (e.g., the factoring of accounts receivable created by sales which have been included in taxable receipts even though the creation of such debt and factoring are a regular part of its business).
3. Any amount representing returns and allowances granted by the business to its customers.
4. Receipts which are the proceeds of a loan transaction in which the licensee is the obligor.
5. Receipts representing the return of principal of a loan transaction in which the licensee is the creditor, or the return of principal or basis upon the sale of a capital asset.
6. Rebates and discounts taken or received on account of purchases by the licensee. A rebate or other incentive offered to induce the recipient to purchase certain goods or services from a person other than the offeror, and which the recipient assigns to the licensee in consideration of the sale goods and services shall not be considered a rebate or discount to the licensee, but shall be included in the licensee's gross receipts together with any handling or other fees related to the incentive.
7. Withdrawals from inventory for purposes other than sale or distribution and for which no consideration is received and the occasional sale or exchange of assets other than inventory whether or not a gain or loss is recognized for federal income tax purposes.
8. Investment income not directly related to the privilege exercised by a business subject to licensure not classified as rendering financial services. This exclusion shall apply to interest on bank accounts of the business, and to interest, dividends and other income derived from the investment of its own funds in securities and other types of investments unrelated to the licensed privilege. This exclusion shall not apply to interest, late fees and similar income attributable to an installment sale or other transaction that occurred in the regular course of business.
B. The following shall be deducted from gross receipts or gross purchases that would otherwise be taxable:
1. Any amount paid for computer hardware and software that are sold to a United States federal or state government entity provided that such property was purchased within two years of the sale to said entity by the original purchaser who shall have been contractually obligated at the time of purchase to resell such property to a state or federal government entity. This deduction shall not occur until the time of resale and shall apply to only the original cost of the property and not to its resale price, and the deduction shall not apply to any of the tangible personal property which was the subject of the original resale contract if it is not resold to a state or federal government entity in accordance with the original contract obligation.
2. Any receipts attributable to business conducted in another state or foreign country in which the taxpayer (or its shareholders, partners or members in lieu of the taxpayer) is liable for an income or other tax based upon income.
Code 1950, § 58-266.1; 1950, p. 155; 1956, c. 242; 1964, c. 424; 1968, c. 619; 1970, cc. 231, 547; 1974, cc. 196, 438; 1975, cc. 23, 621; 1976, cc. 521, 719; 1977, c. 320; 1978, cc. 772, 799, 817; 1979, cc. 565, 568, 570; 1980, cc. 318, 736; 1981, cc. 419, 636; 1982, cc. 348, 548, 552, 554, 558, 633; 1983, c. 554; 1984, cc. 247, 675, 695; 1992, c. 632; 1996, cc. 715, 720; 2002, c. 346; 2007, cc. 85, 834.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 58.1 - Taxation

Chapter 37 - License Taxes

§ 58.1-3700. License requirement; requiring evidence of payment of business license, business personal property, meals and admissions taxes

§ 58.1-3700.1. Definitions

§ 58.1-3701. Department to promulgate guidelines

§ 58.1-3702. Authority of counties, cities and towns

§ 58.1-3703. Counties, cities and towns may impose local license taxes and fees; limitation of authority

§ 58.1-3703.1. Uniform ordinance provisions

§ 58.1-3703.2. Acceptable identification for business licenses

§ 58.1-3704. License tax on merchants in lieu of merchants' capital tax

§ 58.1-3705. License tax shall be uniform

§ 58.1-3706. Limitation on rate of license taxes

§ 58.1-3707. Repealed

§ 58.1-3708. Situs for local license taxation of businesses, professions, occupations, etc.

§ 58.1-3709. Business located in more than one jurisdiction

§ 58.1-3710. Proration of license taxes

§ 58.1-3711. Limitation on county license tax within boundary of a town

§ 58.1-3712. Counties and cities authorized to levy severance tax on gases

§ 58.1-3712.1. Repealed

§ 58.1-3713. Local gas road improvement and Virginia Coalfield Economic Development Authority tax

§ 58.1-3713.01. Distribution of local coal and gas road improvement taxes for water and sewer projects applicable to the additional one-fourth allocation

§ 58.1-3713.1. Repealed

§ 58.1-3713.3. Validation of local coal and gas severance tax ordinances and local coal and gas road improvement tax ordinances

§ 58.1-3713.4. Additional one percent tax on gas

§ 58.1-3713.5. Repealed

§ 58.1-3714. Contractors; credits against tax; effect upon authority of towns; workers' compensation requirements; penalty

§ 58.1-3715. License requirements for contractors

§ 58.1-3715.1. License requirements for mobile food units

§ 58.1-3716. Wholesale merchants

§ 58.1-3717. Peddlers; itinerant merchants

§ 58.1-3718. Counties, cities and towns authorized to levy a license tax on peddlers at wholesale

§ 58.1-3719. Limitations on license taxes imposed on peddlers, itinerant merchants and peddlers at wholesale

§ 58.1-3719.1. Direct sellers; rate limitation

§ 58.1-3720. Amusement machines; gross receipts tax on amusement operators

§ 58.1-3721. License exemptions for coin machine operators

§ 58.1-3722. Stickers to evidence payment of tax

§ 58.1-3723. Penalty

§ 58.1-3724. Bondsmen

§ 58.1-3725. Repealed

§ 58.1-3726. Fortune-tellers, clairvoyants and practitioners of palmistry

§ 58.1-3727. Photographers with no regularly established place of business in the Commonwealth; rate limitations

§ 58.1-3728. Carnivals, circuses, speedways; penalties; certain restrictions

§ 58.1-3729. Permanent coliseums, arenas or auditoriums; limitations

§ 58.1-3730. Savings institutions and credit unions; limitations

§ 58.1-3730.1. Industrial loan associations and agricultural credit associations; limitations

§ 58.1-3731. Certain public service corporations; rate limitation

§ 58.1-3732. Exclusions and deductions from "gross receipts."

§ 58.1-3732.1. Limitation on gross receipts; pari-mutuel wagering

§ 58.1-3732.2. Limitation on gross receipts

§ 58.1-3732.3. Limitation on gross receipts of providers of funeral services

§ 58.1-3732.4. Limitation on gross receipts; staffing firms

§ 58.1-3732.5. Limitation on gross receipts of security brokers and dealers

§ 58.1-3733. License tax on commission merchants

§ 58.1-3734. License tax on motor vehicle dealers

§ 58.1-3734.1. Sales involving trade-ins

§ 58.1-3735. Departments of license inspection in certain counties