Code of Virginia
Chapter 30 - General Provisions
§ 58.1-3005. Cities and towns to make city and town levies; funds not available, allocated, etc., until appropriated

The council of every city and town shall annually cause to be made up and entered on its journals an account of all sums lawfully chargeable on the city or town which ought to be paid within one year and order the imposition of taxes in such amount as in their opinion is necessary to be raised. Any such governing body may provide that if any taxpayer owns tangible personal property of such small value that the local levies thereon for the year result in a tax of less than fifteen dollars, such tax may be collected as provided by ordinance or such property may be omitted from the personal property book and no assessment made thereon.
The imposition of taxes or the collection of such taxes shall not constitute an appropriation nor an obligation or duty to appropriate any funds by the council of any city or town for any purpose, expenditure, or contemplated expenditure. No part of the funds raised by the general city or town taxes shall be considered available, allocated, or expended for any purpose until there has been an appropriation of funds for that expenditure or purpose by the council either annually, semiannually, quarterly, or monthly. There shall be no mandatory duty upon the council of any city or town to appropriate any funds raised by general city or town taxes except to pay the principal and interest on bonds and other legal obligations of the city or town and to pay obligations of the city or town or its agencies and departments arising under contracts executed or approved by the council, unless otherwise specifically provided by statute. Any funds collected and not expended in any fiscal year shall be carried over to the succeeding fiscal years and shall be available for appropriation for any governmental purposes in those years. This section shall be applicable to all cities and towns in the Commonwealth and the provisions of any charter of any city or town inconsistent or in conflict with this section shall be inoperative to the extent of such inconsistency or conflict.
Code 1950, § 58-844; 1950, p. 317; 1959, Ex. Sess., c. 52; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 11; 1972, c. 340; 1984, c. 675; 1988, c. 430; 1989, c. 81; 1994, c. 252.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 58.1 - Taxation

Chapter 30 - General Provisions

§ 58.1-3000. Real estate, mineral lands, tangible personal property and merchants' capital subject to local taxation only

§ 58.1-3001. When boards of supervisors to fix and order county and district taxes; funds not available, allocated, etc., until appropriated

§ 58.1-3002. Levy by board for court allowances

§ 58.1-3003. Appeal from order of levy

§ 58.1-3004. Duty of clerk of board in case of appeal; how appeal tried

§ 58.1-3005. Cities and towns to make city and town levies; funds not available, allocated, etc., until appropriated

§ 58.1-3006. Additional tax to pay interest and retire bonds

§ 58.1-3007. Notice prior to increase of local tax levy; hearing

§ 58.1-3008. Different rates of levy on different classes of property

§ 58.1-3009. Tax on payrolls prohibited

§ 58.1-3010. Counties, cities and towns may levy taxes on fiscal year basis of July 1 through June 30, and change rate of levy during fiscal year

§ 58.1-3011. Use of July 1 as effective date of assessment

§ 58.1-3012. Counties, cities and towns may change rate of tax during calendar year

§ 58.1-3013. Repealed

§ 58.1-3014. Relief from taxes in cases of disaster

§ 58.1-3015. To whom property generally shall be taxed and by whom listed

§ 58.1-3016. Retention of property for payment of taxes

§ 58.1-3017. Disclosure of social security account numbers for local tax administration purposes

§ 58.1-3018. Payment of local taxes on behalf of taxpayer by third party; tax payment agreements

§ 58.1-3019. Local tax credits for approved local volunteer activities