Code of Virginia
Chapter 5 - Solicitation of Contributions
§ 57-50. Reciprocal agreements with other states; online filing

A. The Commissioner may enter into a reciprocal agreement with the appropriate authority of any other state for the purpose of exchanging information with respect to charitable organizations, professional fund-raising counsel and professional solicitors. Pursuant to such agreements, the Commissioner may accept information filed by a charitable organization, professional fund-raising counsel and professional solicitor with the appropriate authority of another state in lieu of the information required to be filed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, if such information is substantially similar to the information required under this chapter. The Commissioner may also grant exemption from the requirement for the filing of [an] annual registration statement with him to charitable organizations organized under the laws of another state, having their principal place of business in such other state, having funds derived principally from sources outside the Commonwealth, and having been granted exemption from the filing of registration statements by such other state, if such state has a statute similar in substance to the provisions of this chapter and participates in a reciprocal agreement pursuant to this section.
B. The Commissioner may also enter into a memorandum of understanding or other similar agreement with the appropriate authority of any other state or federal agency for the purpose of providing charitable organizations, professional fund-raising counsel or professional solicitors with the option of filing their annual registration statements online on a website approved by all states that are parties to the memorandum of understanding. The Commissioner may accept such online filing in lieu of the information required to be filed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter if the procedures for online filing provide for submitting substantially similar information to that required by this chapter. The information provided by charitable organizations, professional fund-raising counsel or professional solicitors at the approved website as a result of their completion of the online registration statement shall be shared with the appropriate authority of any state or federal agency that is a party to the memorandum of understanding.
1974, c. 574; 1979, c. 595; 2005, c. 329.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 57 - Religious and Charitable Matters; Cemeteries

Chapter 5 - Solicitation of Contributions

§ 57-48. Definitions

§ 57-49. Registration of charitable organizations; prohibition against support of terrorists

§ 57-50. Reciprocal agreements with other states; online filing

§ 57-51. Nonresident registration

§ 57-52. Publication of warnings concerning certain charitable and civic organizations

§ 57-52.1. Publication of warnings concerning solicitation by professional solicitors

§ 57-53. Records to be kept by charitable organizations

§ 57-54. Contracts between charitable or civic organizations and professional fund-raising counsel or professional solicitors

§ 57-55. Repealed

§ 57-55.1. Repealed

§ 57-55.2. Charitable solicitation disclosure

§ 57-55.2:1. Solicitations by for-profit organizations

§ 57-55.3. Disclosure regarding financial statement required

§ 57-55.4. Collection receptacles; required disclosures

§ 57-56. Information filed to become public records

§ 57-57. Prohibited acts

§ 57-58. Ratio of fund-raising expenses to contributions to be included in registration statement

§ 57-59. Enforcement of chapter; seizure of property connected with terrorism; penalties

§ 57-60. Exemptions

§ 57-61. Registration of professional fund-raising counsels and solicitors

§ 57-61.1. Time and effect of registration

§ 57-61.2. Commercial co-ventures

§ 57-62. Liability imposed by other laws not decreased

§ 57-63. Local ordinances

§ 57-64. Out-of-state enforcement proceedings

§ 57-65. Fees and charges

§ 57-66. Rules and regulations; model ordinance

§ 57-67. Application to court for relief

§ 57-68. Repealed

§ 57-69. Effective date