Code of Virginia
Chapter 2 - Church Property; Benevolent Associations and Objects
§ 57-13. Suits by members against trustees to compel proper application of property

Any one or more members of any church diocese or religious congregation whose property is held by trustees may, in his or their names, on behalf of such church diocese or congregation, commence and prosecute a suit in equity against any such trustee to compel him to apply such real or personal estate for the use or benefit of the church diocese or congregation, as his duty shall require. No member of the church diocese or congregation need be made a defendant to such suit, but, in other respects, the same shall be proceeded in, heard, and determined as other suits in equity, except that it may be proceeded in, notwithstanding the death of the plaintiff, as if he were still living.
Code 1919, § 44; 1962, c. 516; 2005, c. 772.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 57 - Religious and Charitable Matters; Cemeteries

Chapter 2 - Church Property; Benevolent Associations and Objects

§ 57-3. Appropriation of glebe lands and church property

§ 57-4. Donations to vestries for charitable purposes

§ 57-5. R. E. Lee Camp; Pelham Chapel

§ 57-6. Lee Memorial Association

§ 57-6.1. Validity of literary, educational, and charitable gifts, grants, devises, or bequests

§ 57-7. Repealed

§ 57-7.1. What transfers for religious purposes valid

§ 57-8. Appointment of trustees to effect the purposes of conveyances, etc.; validation of certain appointments

§ 57-9. How property rights determined on division of church or society

§ 57-10. How trustees to hold personal property

§ 57-11. Suits by and against trustees

§ 57-12. Repealed

§ 57-13. Suits by members against trustees to compel proper application of property

§ 57-14. Suits by members to have land sold or mortgaged

§ 57-15. Proceedings by trustees or members for similar purposes, exception for certain transfers

§ 57-15.1. Order may provide that fiscal officer may sign instrument without personal liability

§ 57-16. Property held, etc., by ecclesiastical officers

§ 57-16.1. Property of unincorporated church held by corporation

§ 57-17. Conveyance of church land held in adverse possession

§ 57-18. Conveyance for charitable purpose to unincorporated bodies or societies

§ 57-19. Conveyances of land to benevolent and other associations to be subject to certain sections

§ 57-20. Quantity of land benevolent and other associations may hold

§ 57-21. May hold personal property through trustees